Build all IDE 3 modules from the root of the project:
mvn clean install
Go to codenvy-packaging-standalone-tomcat/target/tomcat-ide and start Tomcat
Open in browser http://localhost:8080
Build all IDE 3 modules from the root of the project:
mvn clean install
Go to codenvy-packaging-standalone-tomcat/target/tomcat-ide and start Tomcat
In Inteliji Idea open Run Configuration -> GWT Configuration
In pop-up select:
Module: codenvy-ide-client
GWT Module Onload: com.codenvy.ide.client
VM Options: -Xmx1024m
Dev Mode Parameters: -noserver -port 8080
Start Page: ws/default
Open in browser *
Build all IDE 3 modules from the root of the project:
mvn clean install
Go to codenvy-packaging-standalone-tomcat/target/tomcat-ide and start Tomcat
In Eclipse, right click on codenvy-application-war project, Properties -> Java Build Path -> codenvy-application-war/src/main/reources -> Excluded -> Remove.
Right click on codenvy-application-war project and select Debug as -> Debug Configurations
In Web Application, Create a new configuration:
Server tab: untick Run built-in server
GWT tab:
URL: **ws/default**, Available modules: keep only **IDE - com.codenvy.ide**
Arguments tab:
Program arguments: add **-port 8080** VM arguments: **-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m**
Click Debug and Open in browser