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srg74 edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

👋 Welcome to the ESP-uploader wiki!

➡️ How to start?

  1. Order PCB.

  2. Order all parts you need.

  3. Assemble all components to the PCB.

  4. Change GPIO0 and GPIO1 to show data flow with LED indicators.

  5. You ready flash firmware for your ESP module or custom board.

If you need help with something or have questions feel free to ask.

🚀 Overview

ESP uploader

  1. Very easy to flash ESP module or custom board.
  2. Auto reset circuit on board so you don't need "reset" and "program" buttons on your custom board.
  3. PTC fuse for power input.
  4. Protection diode for preventing use dual power for your boards.
  5. USB-C connector for recent standard.

Uploader pinout:

  • GND
  • RX - (reversed for easy connect RX-RX)
  • TX - (reversed for easy connect TX-TX)
  • 5V - from USB (in case you using on board 5V conversion)
  • EN - (or RESET) pin to ESP
  • GPIO0 - for programming mode
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