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Releases: spurtcommerce/multivendor-marketplace


27 Feb 11:12
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Discover unparalleled innovation and enhanced user-friendliness with Spurtcommerce's latest update - New Features!

RTL Language Compatibility

Explore Spurtcommerce's enhanced user interfaces with RTL language compatibility across Admin, Vendor, and Storefront. Enjoy a seamless experience tailored to your language preferences

Efficient Data Export

Simplify your analysis and reporting with Spurtcommerce's comprehensive data export feature. Efficiently export diverse ecommerce entities such as products, categories, orders, sales, attributes, and variants for a seamless data management experience.

Dynamic Currency Formatter

Revolutionize your ecommerce experience with Spurtcommerce's dynamic currency formatter. It automatically adjusts currency display, including symbols, decimal places, and digit grouping based on user location or currency preference.

Bulk Data Import with Flexible Mapping

Effortlessly manage your ecommerce data lifecycle. Seamlessly import bulk data using our user-friendly interface with different format compatibility and flexible mapping, ensuring a smooth transition for different field names. E.g., Product ID to SKU and beyond. Enhance your product data dynamically with on-the-fly attribute and variant creation, allowing intelligent additions and permanent storage for a customizable and efficient product catalog.


07 Dec 09:29
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Spurtcommerce is now redefined with custom npm packages for modular efficiency and seamless deployment

Solution now has the capability of docker deployment for consistent and efficient deployment process for enhancing overall system reliability.

Overall design enhancement in Vendor Panel.

New Features

A new feature for real-time image cropping is now available in the Vendor Panel.

Product QR code feature with scanning and accessing product's store URL for detailed information on product.


28 Oct 02:55
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Bug fixes

Regression bugs that were found during automation testing has been fixed. 


Real-time monitoring of customers adding items to their carts, enabling admins to track logged-in users' carts, and access data from both the current day with live cart updates and a month ago with abandoned cart records.

Coupon management system moved from core to addon feature.

Have brought more filters for narrowing down product search based on attribute and variant addon

Vendor Panel and Admin Panel - Vendors and Admin can chat through a window that is provided in their dashboard.

Multi-language feature for static content feature included in Admin and Vendor panels.

An option for admin to dynamically set up FB credentials from their admin settings.

React Storefront - some discrepancies and variations found when compared to angular store has been fixed in order to bring uniformity.

Users can point out their current location to update address and this feature has been included in order to give a beginning point for hyper local marketplace feature.

Google storage option for storing images and it is part of core system.

Price format to match international standards with country wise formats.

Dependency Updates

Deprecated NPM has been removed and packages have been updated.

Version 4.8

27 Dec 07:09
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Version 4.8 Pre-release

In the latest v.4.8 we have transformed the solution to make it fully add-on supported.

You may visit our add-on website ( and purchase extensions to extend your eCommerce portal with more features. You can integrate our add-ons to make your B2C/B2B/C2C/D2C eCommerce portal full-featured.