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logging-spring -----------------------------------------------------------------
A library for adding logging (at the start, end and on exception) to public methods of classes annotated with
, @Service
or @Repository
or methods annotated with @JmsListener
or methods of sub-classes
of org.springframework.dao.support.DaoSupport
Register the Aspects as Spring Beans manually or by adding the spt-development/spt-development-logging-spring-boot starter to your project's pom.
import com.spt.development.logging.spring.DaoSupportLogger;
import java.beans.BeanProperty;
public RestControllerLogger restControllerLogger() {
return new RestControllerLogger();
public JmsListenerLogger jmsListenerLogger() {
return new JmsListenerLogger();
public ServiceLogger serviceLogger() {
return new ServiceLogger();
public RepositoryLogger repositoryLogger() {
return new RepositoryLogger();
public DaoSupportLogger daoSupportLogger() {
return new DaoSupportLogger();
NOTE The DaoSupportLogger
will result in warnings such as the following being logged by CglibAopProxy
Unable to proxy interface-implementing method [public final void org.springframework.dao.support.DaoSupport.afterPropertiesSet() throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException] because it is marked as final, consider using interface-based JDK proxies instead.
The aspects above rely on classes either extending specific base classes or being annotated with particular annotations. BeanLogger
been introduced to add logging to arbitrary beans whether they are annotated with annotations such as @Component
or whether they are
instantiated with a factory method. Logging for arbitrary beans is enabled with the EnableBeanLogging
excludedClasses = MyExcludedBean.class,
includeBasePackageClasses = {
static class MyConfiguration {
MyLoggedClass myLoggedBean() {
return new MyLoggedClass();
MyExcludedBean myExcludedBean() {
return new MyExcludedBean();
NOTE excludedClasses
only excludes the class from logging being added with BeanLogger
and as such, logging could still be added
with one of the other aspects from this librar, such as DaoSupportLogger
if it extends the right base class or is annotated with the
right annotation.
To build the library, run the following maven command:
$ ./mvnw clean install
To build a release and upload to Maven Central push to main