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Library for integrating spt-development/spt-development-audit-spring into a Spring Boot application.
Add the Spring Boot starter to your Spring Boot project pom.
To configure the JmsAuditEventWriter
rather than the default Slf4jAuditEventWriter
set the spt.audit.jms.destination
property to the name of your JMS audit event queue/topic and ensure a JmsTemplate
bean is created.
The auto-configuration, relies on build information from the org.springframework.boot.info.BuildProperties
bean. To
make this bean available, add the build-info
execution to the spring-boot-maven-plugin
Additionally, you should set the spring.application.name
property to change the name of the application (that is
added to the audit events) from the default "Spring Boot".
To build the library, run the following maven command:
$ ./mvnw clean install
To build a release and upload to Maven Central push to main