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Fetch mails from IMAP servers and deliver them to a local user


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Get mail from IMAP server with IDLE extension and deliver to LMTP server, nothing else.

Design choices:

  • Our most important goal is to never risk losing any email.
  • Processed incoming emails are only flagged as fetched but not yet deleted.
  • We ensure that only emails are flagged which have been 100% certainly delivered to their LMTP destination.
  • All errors lead to safe failure states, most of them just quitting of the program and retry on the next run. (Though this will be improved in the future.)
  • Rely on IMAP IDLE and custom flags features.
  • As little state should be kept inside mettmail as possible. (Currently no state at all is kept; fetched mails are marked with an IMAP flag which is stored on the server.)
  • 100% unit test coverage, additional black box tests against a real non-mocked IMAP/LMTP-server.


  • Implement deleting emails (figure out how to do it in a safe way, currently all emails are flagged but kept)
  • Test and ensure Podman compatibility
  • Implement Docker health checking

Usage with Docker

This is the recommended way like docker-dovecot-mettmail is using this package.

This script it designed to take advantage of Docker's automatic restarting feature to simplify our error logic.

Pretty much every non-recoverable error leads to an exception that leaves all mails in a safe state and whatever failed is tried again on the next run. Also it's pretty nice security-wise that every mettmail instance runs in its own container without being able to see login credentials for other configured accounts.

Requirements for Docker Image

  • Docker
  • docker-compose

Running the Docker Container

Use the included docker-compose.yaml and mettmail.example.yaml as a starting point.

  1. Rename mettmail.example.yaml to something like mettmail-foo.yaml and add your IMAP/LMTP server credentials. Using the schema mettmail-XXX.yaml is recommended so your configuration isn't included in a layer of the image if you're building the Docker image yourself instead of using the provided release from GitHub (the .dockerignore file excludes files using this naming pattern).
  2. Edit docker-compose.yaml and rename your service from mettmail_example to mettmail_foo. Also make sure to change the entry for the configuration file.
  3. Add multiple copies of this service with own configs for each of your accounts that you want to fetch.


docker-compose up -d

View logs:

docker-compose logs -f

Make sure the services are healthy (TODO after Docker health checking has been implemented):

docker-compose ps

Usage without Docker

You can use mettmail without Docker with the following steps.


  • python >=3.8
  • poetry (pip install --user poetry)

Install dependencies:

poetry install --no-root


Create configuration file based on the example:

cp mettmail.example.yaml mettmail.yaml

Edit it with your IMAP/LMTP connection details. You can override most of DeliverLMTP and FetchIMAP constructor parameters.

Run parameters:

poetry run mettmail --help

Now you need something to restart mettmail after failures, for example:

  • Run it as a systemd (user) service


Build Dependencies

  • nox as test-runner
  • pyenv (recommended) to manage python versions

Install dependencies and pre-commit hooks:

# you may need to install the following tools outside of your virtualenv, too:
pip install nox poetry pre-commit
poetry install --no-root
poetry run pre-commit install

Test/Coverage setup


You can quickly run tests with:

# using your default interpreter
poetry run pytest

# using nox for a single Python version
nox -p 3.8


Note: Python 3.10 support is currently broken because of a bug in aioimaplib.

Use nox to run tests and other useful things automatically for all supported python versions.

Initial setup for all interpreters and environments:

pyenv install 3.8.12
pyenv install 3.9.10
pyenv install 3.10.2
pyenv local 3.8.12 3.9.10 3.10.2

After that it runs much more quickly reusing the created virtualenvs.


Bug reports and contributions are welcome. Please use the issue tracker for bug reports and send a PR if you have something to contribute. Please make sure to run the configured pre-commit tools to make integration and review easier.