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React Native demo app using create-react-native-app

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  • Clone the git repo locally
  • npm install
  • npm run ios - runs the app in an iOS simulator (requires XCode on a Mac)
  • npm run android - runs the app in an Android simulator
  • ...or download the Expo app, npm start, and use the app to snap the QR code displayed in the terminal

The app


  • Type your movie title search in the bar and hit return to run it
  • The list scrolls "infinitely". Since OMDB API calls only return 10 results at a time it's a bit clunky, but the app should continuously pull results as you scroll until the query runs out or it reaches 1000 results (the API limit)
  • Pressing the heart icon saves the query in your favorites list
  • Access your favorites and history list by swiping from the left side of the screen

The code

  • Create React Native App: ever since I heard about this at React Conf 2017 I've been wanting to try it out for myself. Being able to dive in and start writing React components with minimal setup/configuration is a huge win.
  • Recompose: The concept of higher-order components makes writing and maintaining React codebases a lot easier. It cleanly separates functionality from presentation.
  • React Native Elements: Design is definitely not my forté so any help I can get in that domain is welcome. For an MVP-type app this library provides a nice UI foundation quickly.


  • I really wanted to try out the new and improved ListView variants in react-native 0.43. I would have gone with FlatList for this demo, but Expo and create-react-app haven't quite had time to update to the new RN release yet.
  • As mentioned above, I'm no designer so this demo could use some better styling. A nice shadow effect on the right edge of the side menu, a little more color and accents here and there. But hey, it's just a demo.
  • The scale of this app didn't really necessitate a full-on navigation solution, but if I did come back to it I'd probably try out React Navigation, React Native Navigation, or even cook up something with the native flavor of React Router v4 if I got really ambitious.


React Native demo app using create-react-native-app







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