Message-passing and actor-based programming for everyone
It is part of Concreteclouds and the C99 implementation of pychirp.
[1] | Python/hypothesis based test-suite in external project seecc. |
[2] | Coverage enforced by tests (on travis, after 1.0 release) |
Build dependencies:
- python3 [3]
- make
- gcc or clang
Documentation build dependencies:
- sphinx
- graphviz
- libuv
- openssl
Install to prefix /usr/local. (with docs)
cd build
../configure --doc
sudo make install
Install to prefix /usr. (without docs)
cd build
../configure --prefix /usr
sudo make install
In-source build is also possible.
sudo make install
[3] | Script-headers can be patched to work with python2. It also possible to generate the makefile on a different system (for example in a embedded scenario) |
- Install Visual Studio 2015 if you want to build for python 3
- Select Git for Windows in Visual Studio Installer or install it
- Install Visual Studio 2008 Express
- Install Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 (python 2)
To support python 2.7 == Visual Studio 2008, we use c99conv to convert to c89 and we support python 3.5+ == Visual Studio 2015 without c99conv. Any future version of python that uses a newer version of Visual Studio has to added to the build-system explicitly.
python configure
Test dependencies:
- cppcheck
cd build
../configure --dev
make test
In development mode the make file has a help:
If a tool is not available on your platform or you have a old version of cppcheck (cppcheck is known to behave very different across versions), you can use the docker based tests.
Travis will also run this script, so you can also use it to reproduce errors on travis.
No development build available.
AGPL 3.0