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☕ starknet jvm ☕

Starknet SDK for JVM languages:

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Scala
  • Clojure
  • Groovy

Table of contents


Select the latest version from the list and follow installation instructions.


Documentation is provided in two formats:

Example usages

Transferring STRK tokens

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider

fun main() {
    val provider = JsonRpcProvider("https://your.node.url")
    val account = StandardAccount(
        address = Felt.fromHex("0x123"),
        privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x456"),
        provider = provider,
        chainId = StarknetChainId.SEPOLIA,

    val amount = Uint256(Felt(100))
    val recipientAccountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x789")
    val strkContractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x04718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d")
    val call = Call(
        contractAddress = strkContractAddress,
        entrypoint = "transfer",
        calldata = listOf(recipientAccountAddress) + amount.toCalldata(),

    val request = account.executeV3(call)
    val response = request.send()
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.rpc.JsonRpcProvider;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Provider provider = new JsonRpcProvider("https://your.node.url");

        Account account = new StandardAccount(

        Uint256 amount = new Uint256(new Felt(100));
        Felt recipientAccountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x789");
        Felt strkContractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x04718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d");
        Call call = Call.fromCallArguments(
                List.of(recipientAccountAddress, amount)

        Request<InvokeFunctionResponse> executeRequest = account.executeV3(call);
        InvokeFunctionResponse executeResponse = executeRequest.send();

For more example usages, see guides below👇


Demo applications

These demo apps can be used with any Starknet RPC node, including devnet. They are intended for demonstration/testing purposes only.




./gradlew installKotlinterPrePushHook

Update submodules


git submodule update --init --recursive

Running tests


  • starknet-devnet-rs
    • Since it has yet to be released, you will need to build it manually and set DEVNET_PATH environment variable that points to a binary:
    • You can do so by using environment variables in your system or IDE, or by sourcing an .env file. Refer to the example config found in test_variables.env.example.
  • starknet-foundry - provides sncast cli
  • asdf version manager and asdf scarb plugin
  • java - make sure to have Java 11 installed and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path of your JDK installation
  • cmake - make sure to have cmake 3.18.1 installed

Regular Tests

Use the following command to run tests:

./gradlew :lib:test

Network Tests

Running tests on networks requires a valid configuration. It can be set using environment variables in your system or IDE, or by sourcing an .env file. Refer to the example config found in test_variables.env.example. To select the network, please set the NETWORK_TEST_NETWORK_NAME environment variable. Currenty, the allowed options are:


Note: The transition of network tests from GOERLI to SEPOLIA networks results in a current limitation of v3 tests. To properly configure your network, ensure the following variables are set with the NETWORK_NAME_ prefix:

  • RPC_URL - url of your RPC node
  • ACCOUNT_ADDRESS and PRIVATE_KEY - address and private key of your account

Additionally, you can also set:

  • CONST_NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS and CONST_NONCE_PRIVATE_KEY - address and private key exclusively for non-gas network tests, preventing potential inconsistencies (sometimes, getNonce may report higher nonce than expected). Recommended for reliable non-gas testing. These default to ACCOUNT_ADDRESS and PRIVATE_KEY if not set.
  • ACCOUNT_CAIRO_VERSION - Cairo version of the ACCOUNT_ADDRESS and CONST_NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS accounts. Defaults to 0.

Network tests are disabled by default. To enable them, you can set the environment variable:


Some network tests require gas and are disabled by default. If you want to run them as well, you can set:


⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Please be aware that in that case your account address must have a pre-existing balance as these tests will consume some funds.

Alternatively, you can use flag to specify whether to run network and gas tests:

./gradlew :lib:test -PnetworkTestMode=non_gas
./gradlew :lib:test -PnetworkTestMode=all

Flag takes precendece over the environment variable if both are set.

Ensuring idiomatic Java code

We want this library to be used by both kotlin & java users. In order to ensure a nice API for java always follow those rules:

  1. When using file level functions use @file:JvmName(NAME) to ensure a nice name without Kt suffix.
  2. When using a companion object mark every property/function with @JvmStatic. This way they are accessible as static from the class. Without it Class.INSTANCE would have to be used.
  3. When defining an immutable constant use @field:JvmField. This makes them static properties without getters/setters in java.
  4. If you are not sure how something would work in java just create a new java class, import your code and check yourself.
  5. Avoid using default arguments. It is better to overload a function and specify defaults there.

Building documentation

User guides for Kotlin and Java are generated automatically based on the file (⚠️ only this file should be modified ⚠️). This file can include both code snippets and code section tags (which are used to embed code from specific functions).

Functions eligible for inclusion in the code section can be located in any file within the following directories:

These elements will be automatically included in the respective guides, ensuring that the documentation is always up to date with the code in the repository.

Code section template: <!-- codeSection(path="path/to/file", function="functionName", language="language") -->

Code section examples:

  • Kotlin - <!-- codeSection(path="starknet/account/StandardAccountTest.kt", function="signAndSendDeployAccountV3Transaction", language="Kotlin") -->
  • Java - <!-- codeSection(path="", function="signAndSendDeployAccountV3Transaction", language="Java") -->

Content of embedded functions can be tailored using docsStart and docsEnd comments inside the function. Only the content between those comments will be included in the documentation.

Execute following command to generate the guides:

./gradlew generateGuides

Documentation is written in Kdoc format and markdown and is generated using Dokka. Execute following commands from /lib to build docs.

  • ./gradlew dokkaHtml to build kotlin format docs
  • ./gradlew dokkaHtmlJava to build java format docs

Generated documentation can be found in their respective folders inside /build/dokka.

Release checklist

Perform these actions before releasing a new starknet-jvm version:

  1. Checkout to main and pull
git checkout main && git pull
  1. Create new branch for version bump
git checkout -b chore/bump-version-to-0.x.x
  1. Update the version in lib/build.gradle.kts (following semantic versioning).
  2. After merging PR, create a new tag
git checkout main && git pull

git tag -a 0.x.x -m "Version 0.x.x"
  1. Push the tag (release workflow will be automatically triggered)
git push origin 0.x.x