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Vista Portfolio

windows vista inspired portfolio, I have no affiliation with Microsoft. I wanted to make a unique portfolio to showcase my projects thus far.
Although Windows Vista received a lot of hate initialy for poor performance
and hardware incompability I have to say that between windows 7, 8 and 10
Vista had the best looking UI.


Since autoplay is disabled by default, you must click the page once on load
to hear the windows vista boot chime. Not clicking the page will not cause any
errors but the console will display a uncaught promise exception in relation to
autoplay being disabled by default.

This repository makes use of git large file storage in order

for the projects to display you must run the git lfs pull command


Modular Components for easy maintence and adding new features Interactable windows startmenu Add apps easily


Add working file explorer Add recycle bin add interactive volume control add interactive wifi add desktop widgets

Running the project

Clone or download the repository then open a terminal and cd into the directory cd /vista_portfolio
run: npm install
then: npm run start to run the project
You can view the project in any web browser using the following address:

Adding Apps

In order to add your own app to the portfolio create a file
and Import the Window component and pass it a title
and a react component. Please note that you are not
limited to iframe components. You can pass in any react component
you wish. Window component also has the prop idname which lets you
use css to change the windows css attributes ie width, height etc..

import * as React from "react";
import { Window } from "../subcomponents/window";

export const Notepad = () => {
    return (
        <Window title='Notepad'
            <iframe id="notepad" src='./notes/index.html'
            style={ {"border": "none"}}></iframe>

Then simply go to applist.tsx and import both your new component
and the icon you wish to use. Add your new app to the applist
Giving the app a type of desktop puts the new app on the desktop
a type of startmenu puts the app in the start menu program list.

. . .
        name : 'Notepad',
        app  : <Notepad />,
        icon : notepad,
        type : 'startmenu'

Important! The title you pass to window must be the same as the name you

use in app list

Apps are rendered in the order they appear on the applist


windows vista inspired portfolio







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