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Daniel Petutschnigg edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

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The ChoiceField allows you to build React-Components and let the adimistrator of the page decide which of the components to display. You can achieve this by either providing a popover in which the options can be decided or you can return null in the popover and add an onClick to your component for usecases in which all the choices are always displayed or for a boolean like behaviour.


import {fields} from '@snek-at/jaen-pages'

import {Button, Box, Text} from '@chakra-ui/react'

const Component = () => {
      options={['option1', 'option2']}
      onRender={(selection /*, options, onSelect, isEditing */) => {
        return <Text>{selection}</Text>
      onRenderPopOver={(selection, options, select) => {
        return (
            {, key) => {
              return (
                  onClick={() => select(option)}
                  disabled={option === selection}>

export default Component


Property Type Required Description
fieldName string yes The fieldName requires you to give the field an identifier that is unique on that page. It is advisable to use descriptive names for fetching purposes.
options string[] yes In the options field you define the options your user has.
onRender function yes onRender allows you to build React-Components of any kind.
onRenderPopover function or null yes onRenderPopOver allows you to build a custom popover for the administrator of the page to select the options. If you don't require a popover just set it to null.


Property Type Description
selection string Selection is the currently selected option.
options string[] The options array you defined above.
onSelect function onSelect allows you to select an option.
isEditing boolean isEditing allows you to build a div that only shows if the user is editing the page.


Property Type Description
selection string Selection is the currently selected option.
options string[] The options array you defined above.
select function select allows you to select an option.

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