ROS packages for controlling Autonomous Vehicle System
cmd_msgs - ROS package contains special message to control Autonomous Vehicle. It needs to be on both sides: master (host-computer) and robot (Jetson TK-1).
master_station - ROS package for controlling Autonomous Vehicle. It reads keyboard events and sends corresponding commands. It needs to be launched on master (host-computer) with root privilegies. Settings are in /cfg/master_station_param.yaml.
move_controller - ROS package that controls Autonomous Vehicle. It gets commands from /cmd_vel topic and sends them to drivers. It needs to be launched on robot (Jetson TK-1) with root privilegies (need access to I2C bus). Settings are in /cfg/move_controller_param.yaml. The package uses JHPWMPCA9685 library for connection with PCA9685 board.