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yandex-disk-simulator is a yandex-disk utility simulator for integration tests (Linux).

You can get compiled binaries (ELF) for linux/amd64 and linux/386 platforms from last release or bild it yourself.

There is no additional libraries requirements to run the simulator.

Building requirements:

  • go v.1.16 and higher


go get -d
go build yandex-disk-simulator


Help message:

        yandex-disk-simulator <cmd>
        start   starts the daemon and begin starting events simulation
        stop    stops the daemon
        status  get the daemon status
        sync    begin the synchronization events simulation
        error   begin short time error simulation
        help    output this help message and exit
        version output version information and exit
        setup   prepares the simulation environment. It creates the configuration and
                token files in Sim_ConfDir and the synchronization directory in Sim_SyncDir.
                Environment variables Sim_ConfDir and Sim_SyncDir should be set in advance,
                other ways the default paths will be used.
                Setup process doesn't require any input in the terminal.
Simulator commands:
        daemon  start as a daemon (Don't use it !!!)
Environment variables (used in setup):
        Sim_SyncDir     can be used to set synchronized directory path (default: ~/Yandex.Disk)
        Sim_ConfDir     can be used to set configuration directory path (default: ~/.config/yandex-disk)


This simulator doesn't handle any additional command or option of original yandex-disk utility except the commands listed above.

In order to setup simulator and it's environment do the folloving steps:

  1. set Sim_SyncDir (synchronized directory path) and Sim_ConfDir (configuration directory path) environment variables.

  2. run

    yandex-disk-similator setup


If Sim_SyncDir and Sim_ConfDir are not set then "$HOME/Yandex.Disk" is used as syncronizition folder and "$HOME/.config/yandex-disk" is used as configuration folder. Those are same paths as original yandex-disk uses. And this can broke the original yandex-disk configuration.


To use it as yandex-disk simulator consider renaming the yandex-disk-similator to yandex-disk and put it in the PATH before the original yandex-disk (if it is installed).