At first you need to configure file "active_record/config.yml"
and provide host
and database
#include base active record file
require_relative 'active_record/active_record_base'
#inherit ActiveRecord::Base to access functional
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "PostModel"
- optional property. By Default it uses model class name and tranform to snake case and make pluralize. Example: self.table_name = "PostModel"
- will create "post_models" table name. In case with mongo, this property uses for creating collecion.
Access Model creates access for property automatically. You can assign only String or Numeric types. In other case will be exception.
post =
post.title = "Title"
puts post.title #Title
Also you can pass hash in model constructor.
post ={ title: "Title", content: "Content" })
pust post.title #Title
To save changes you need to call Model#save
method and it will create new record in database.
post ={ title: "Title", content: "Content" })
To find element in database you need to use Model#find
. This method takes one required parameter and another optional.
To Find element by id
you just need to pass it like argument.
Method find
should return list of models with fetched parameters from database. If method didn't find any data it should return empty array.
Also you can create conditions for find
. Example:
Post.find("name = ?", "User") #support conditions: <=, >=, <,>,=
As well you can provide parameter in first argument.
Post.find("name = User")
The difference betweeen Post.find("name = User")
and Post.find("name = ?", "User")
is only one: this case can save types Post.find("name = ?", "User")
. It helpful for search by numeric parameters. Example:
Post.find("age >= ?", 20)
You can mix parameters in search. This conditions will use like or
. Example:
Post.find("name = User, age > ?", 20)
Post.find("name = User, last_name = Been")
That's all.
To run task to build fixtures you need to exec
rake file=user.json
or rake parse_file file=user.json
- user.json - it's name of file with fixtures. File name should be equas as model name. It's important.
To run tests you need to exec rake test