This is a small project for a JavaScript interview.
Create an UI web application that retrieves and displays the user repositories and organisations in Github.
Up to you, probably it should include an input to enter the username, one area to display the repositories of the user and another area to display the organisations
To make things easier we have commited a github-api.ts file with the REST APIs needed to retrieve the information.
Up to you, for React we recommend create-react-app with TypeScript template.
Copy this repository to a repository on your name and add the solution there. It should be clear how to build and run the project locally. Please don't FORK this repo
- Use functional components with hooks
- Use ES6 syntax including arrow functions, destructuring and async/await
- Adding types with Typescript
- Adding a spinner when information is loading
- Deal with errors coming from the backend
- Having a nice UI using a components library (Material UI, Ant Design, etc.)
- Divide the application in different pages and use a router
- Adding state management if relevant (REACT: additional Bonus if using React Context instead of Redux)
- Show common tools used for you daily development environment (linters, code formatter and so on)
- Deploy the project somewhere