(portmanteau of Upload and Applaud) is a service you can run to upload text and files to. It was made because I've explored many public file shares and none of them provide a quick, simple way to visit the files you've just uploaded on another device. You either need to sign in to an account with a mandatory email and long, complex password, or you need to remember an unituitive token like Fje3dBv. Uplaud
solves this. It asks for a username and password, merely 1+ characters in length, to hide your ephemeral uploaded data. Also, despite a passwords' potential to be meaningless here, they are still encrypted with scrypt in case you want them to be meaningful.
Right now, it looks like this.
Rename rename_to_configs.py
to configs.py
and set the variables inside that file.
Consider changing route limits. Look for both routed wrapped in @limiter.limit
Install Redis for rate limiting.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-server
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf # set line `supervised no` to `supervised systemd`
sudo systemctl restart redis
sudo systemctl status redis
Change redis://localhost:6379
if needed.
To delete the expired records, set up a cronjob with sudo crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /path/uplaud/venv/bin/python3 /path/uplaud/garbage_truck.py >> ~/cronout.txt 2>&1