Python bindings for the C++ implementation of the Mapbox Earcut library, which provides very fast and quite robust triangulation of 2D polygons.
Original code: earcut.hpp
Original description:
The library implements a modified ear slicing algorithm, optimized by z-order curve hashing and extended to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections in a way that doesn't guarantee correctness of triangulation, but attempts to always produce acceptable results for practical data like geographical shapes.
Provided functions (depending on dtype of vertex data):
import mapbox_earcut as earcut
import numpy as np
# A Nx2 array of vertices. Must be 2D.
verts = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1]]).reshape(-1, 2)
# An array of end-indices for each ring.
# The first ring is the outer contour of the polygon.
# Subsequent ones are holes.
# This implies that the last index must always be equal to the size of verts!
rings = np.array([3])
result = earcut.triangulate_float32(verts, rings)
# Result is an np.ndarray with dtype np.uint32 and shape (3,)
# containing indices into the verts array.
# [[1 0]
# [1 1]
# [0 0]]