Javascript support for ATMF (Advanced-Template-Markup-Format)
Full specificaiton of the format is available here
The ATMF engine is written in pure Javascript and it executes in all JS ecosystems. There are several libraries which wrap the core engine, in order to face enviropment specifics and get the most of ATMF. Choose your ecosystem.
Depending on your environment or framework you might want to have custom discovery of templates and language resources. You can prototype the ATMF engine in order to face your requiremnets.
Template Discovery
ATMFEngine.prototype.DiscoverTemplate = function (name) {
// ...
// Do the discovery
// Return the template as STR or PROMISE
ATMFEngine.prototype.GetTemplate = function (name) {
if (typeof this.templates[name] != 'undefined')
return this.templates[name];
else {
// return this.DiscoverTemplate(name);
// this.DiscoverTemplate(name).then((name) => { });
SetTemplateDiscoveryPath(path, ext = ['html', 'tpl']) {
path = path.replace(/\/$/, "").replace(/\\$/, "");
this._templateDiscoveryPath = path;
this._templateDiscoveryExt = Array.isArray(ext) ? ext : [ext];
Culture Discovery
ATMFEngine.prototype.ResolveCultureResource = function (keyname) {
var translations = {};
// ...
// Do the discovery
// Return the translations object
// Example
// { 'namespace/path': { 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2' }
return translations;