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Project to practice microservices - java springboot / Docker / Openfeign / Euraka / Rabbitmq

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Project goal: Practice building microservices using Java SpringBoot.

Technologies used:

  • Java SpringBoot

  • PostgreSQL: databases for microservices

  • Eureka: Service registry for discovering other services.

  • Load balancer: Distributes traffic among multiple instances of a service.

  • Zipkin Sleuth: Distributed tracing for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices.

  • OpenFeign: Simplifies making HTTP requests to other microservices.

  • RabbitMQ: Message queue for asynchronous communication between microservices.

  • Docker: Containerizes the microservices for easier deployment and scalability.


microservices 10_01_2024 drawio

  • Public Network: This is where external users interact with the e-commerce platform.
  • Private Network: This is where the microservices reside.
  • E-commerce Platform: This is the main application that users interact with.
  • Microservices: These are the individual services that make up the e-commerce platform, such as order, inventory, fraud, and notification services.
  • Pull Environment: This is where the Docker images for the microservices are pulled from.
  • Private Docker Registry: This is a private repository for storing Docker images.
  • Eureka Server: This is the service registry that all microservices register with.
  • Load Balancer: This distributes traffic among the different instances of each microservice.
  • Message Queue: This is a queue that allows microservices to communicate with each other asynchronously. RabbitMQ is one example of a message queue.
  • Distributed Tracing: This allows you to track the flow of a request across all of the microservices involved in processing it. Zipkin Sleuth is one example of a distributed tracing tool.

How to start the project

  1. Clone repository
  2. Create docker image: docker-compose up -d
  3. In the PostgreSQL create four databases: product / fraud / orders / notification