Test framework for Terraform infrastructures.
- Setup environment:
# Tested only on debian based distros
sudo bash ./utils/setup_env.sh
- Create json config file. Example:
"deployment_id": "",
"steps": ["prepare", "deploy", "cleanup", "destroy"],
"script": {
"env": {
"ENV_VAR": "This is a test env var"
"prepare": {
"path": "./test-infra/google-project-factory/pre_script.sh",
"parameters": "--param 'test'"
"cleanup": {
"path": "/path/to/cleanup/script.sh",
"parameters": "--param test"
"terraform": {
"backend": {
"type": "azurerm",
"key": "mct-test/"
"parameters": {
"test_param": "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"
- Create json screts file. Example:
"secret_provider": {
"name": "AzureKeyVault",
"credentials": {
"azure_keyvault_url": "",
"azure_client_id": "",
"azure_client_secret": "",
"azure_tenant_id": ""
"secrets": {
"terraform": {
"secret_param": "asdasdhasdb"
"env": {
"secret_env": "envu"
"azure": {
"subscription-id": "",
"client-id": "",
"client-secret": "",
"tenant-id": ""
"gcp": {
"key-value": ""
"azurerm-backend": {
"storage-account-name": "",
"storage-account-container": "",
"storage-account-sas": ""
- Run MCTv2:
python3 src/runner.py \
# Config created at step 2
--config_path "./config.json" \
# Secrets file created at step 3
--secrets_path "./secrets.json" \
# Path to the terraform workspace
--terraform_workspace "./test-infra/google-project-factory/" \
# Terraform steps to execute (only deploy / destroy supported)
--steps "deploy,destroy" \
--id "test" \
# Key/value string separrated using ';'
# The runner with replase the value at path 'terraform.parameters.param_from_cli' with value 'value'
# Will create the key if it doesn't exist
--custom_fields 'terraform.parameters.param_from_cli=value'