The Electron Framework enables us to build cross platform desktop applications with the same technologies used for web development such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Electron was created by GitHub and used to develop some of the most popular apps in the world including Skype, Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Slack.
The best part? Both MacOS and Windows are supported!
This is an Electron Boilerplate with a React Redux implementation.
Rather than shipping a blank template, I have created a 'Notes' application to provide a foundation to build upon and demonstrate how to accomplish some of the most challenging aspects of building an Electron application.
In addition, this app is pre-configured to handle scss, images and run Windows/Mac builds out the box.
It is important to understand how Electron works with React.
Building a Electron application is fairly straight forward. All we need to do is build our React App, transpile the code using Webpack and then load our bundle into our Electron.
It is best practice to keep Electron and React code sperate, this will make it easier if in the future we decide to deploy the same code as a web application.
However, there are some situations that will require us to pass information between React and Electron. In order to achieve this, we will send and listen for events on both sides of our application.
Please see the diagram below:
As we are using Redux, the best place for us to put this code is within our action creators.
Simply put, when we dispatch an action on the frontend, we send an event to Electron from within our action creator. Once this event is received on Electron and has carried out some action, we send a response back to our Redux action creator which is listening for. The response data is then fed into the reducer to update the store.
As this is fairly complex, I recommend examining the existing code within this project for reference and an example.
Electron implementation: ‘./index.js’ Redux implementation: ‘./src/actions/index.js’
- Electron
- Electron Builder
- React
- Redux
- NeDB
- Redux Thunk
- React Router V4
- Babel
- Webpack
- CKEditor - WYSIWYG editor
- Multiple Layouts – Create unlimited layouts for pages/routes
- Toastr - Simple javascript toast notifications
- 100% FREE & Open Source
- What is Electron
- Project summary
- Screenshot
- Electron & React Redux
- Tech Stack
- Top Features
- Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Project architecture
- Software
- Useful links
- Installation
- Download & Install Dependencies on your machine
- Run a Build
- Lunch/Run the Electron
- NeDB Database
- Package Application (Mac & Windows))
- Electron autoUpdater
- General usage
- Custom App icons
- Custom App Menus
- Create new screens
- Custom Layouts
- Styles
- 12 Col Grid Boiler template
- Looking for something similar
- Acknowledgements
- License
This repository contains the source code for the Electron React Redux Starter Kit. This documentation will cover the installation on your dev environment, distribution, project architecture and working with the app in general.
├── src
│ ├──actions
│ | ├── index.js
│ | └── types.js
│ ├──assets
│ | ├── graphics
│ | ├── scss
│ | └── static_assets
│ ├── components
│ | ├── header.js
| | └── sidebar.js
│ ├── layouts
| | └── mainLayout.js
│ ├── reducers
│ | ├── notesReducer
| | | └── index.js
| | └── index.js
│ ├── renderer
| | └── index.html
│ ├── screens
| | └── notes.js
│ ├── app.js
│ └── client.js
├── .gitignore
├── index.js
├── package.json
└── webpack.js
Before proceeding, please ensure you have the following software installed on your computer.
- Node
- Yarn (optional but recommended)
- Git command line tools
- Download Git CLT - Windows: Mac:
- Download Node -
- Download Yarn CLT -
- Download VSCode -
Please fork a copy of this repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project. Alternatively download or clone the master branch.
- Clone the repo to your machine
git clone <CloneURL>
- Within terminal or cmd ensure you have navigated inside the cloned directory and install the dependencies
cd <new-dir>
yarn install OR npm install
Before we can lunch the project, we need to run a build
yarn run webpack:watch OR npm run webpack:watch
Now we have a build, we need to run the Electron and launch our App.
The build command above is configured to watch for project changes and recompile whenever changes are detected.
As it is not possible to run an additional command without stopping the existing one, please launch a new terminal or cmd window before proceeding.
The following command will run Electron and lunch our App within a Dev env
yarn run electron:dev OR npm run electron:dev
Your Electron Application should now launch promptly.
Whilst you may choose to use a different solution, we are using NeDB to store user data in this application. NeDB is a Lightweight JavaScript Database. For more information, please see:
We are using 'Electron Builder' to package our Application for both Windows and Mac.
Whenever you are ready please run the following Command from your terminal or cmd
yarn run dist
Once complete the system will output a 'dist' folder with your packaged app.
Please note that you must have installed project dependencies and run a build before attempting to package your app.
Useful links:
As we are using the 'Electron Builder' to package our app, we can easily incorporate the 'autoUpdater' module into our application.
This will enable us to configure our app to check for and install updates automatically.
Create custom icons for both Windows & Mac. Follow the dimensions provided below:
Mac: 512 x 512 Windows: 256 x 256
Replace the existing Icons in the following directories:
Mac: 'src/assets/static_assets/mac/icon.png' Windows: 'src/assets/static_assets/win/icon.png'
Once replaced, your new icons will be used during the next build.
To customize the App Menu open './index.js' and edit the 'menuTemplate' array.
Please note that we are conditionally showing the developer tools (if running on dev) and pushing an additional submenu for Mac.
- Create a file in the following directory ‘src/screens'
To help maintain consistency please use the same naming conventions as the other files. (camel casing)
- Build your new page. For example:
import React from 'react';
class NewPage extends React.Component {
export default NewPage;
- Open ‘src/app.js’ and import your new Page Component
import NewPage from './pages/newPage';
- Add your new route to the App class
<Route path="/new-page" render={props => (
<NewPage {...props} />
)} />
- Open ‘src/components/sidebar.js’ and add an additional list item & link to the Sidebar class
<NavLink activeClassName="active" to="/new-page" alt="Notes">
<-Insert Some Font Icon Here Or Text-Link->
Please note: We are using 'Font Awesome' within this project. (Font Icons)
- Ensure all files are saved, return to your app and reload the window.
Please note: To reload select 'Developer -> Reload' (Mac Cmd+R or equivalent windows shortcut)
You can create a custom layout for any page/route.
- Create a new layout file within ‘src/layouts’
- Ensure you have a constructer at the top of your class
constructor(props) {
- Place the following code within your layout, wherever you want to render your routes
- Open ‘src/app.js’ and import your new layout
import LayoutComponent from './layouts/ layoutComponent;
- Within your 'App' class, create your new route and wrap the route with your layout Component
<Route path="/some-route" render={props => (
<Notes {...props} />
)} />
We are using SCSS (CSS pre-processor/bracketed version of SASS) to enable us to write cleaner and more reusable css code.
Our main 'styles.scss' is compiled upon each save, once the project has been started from your terminal/cmd. Whilst the resulting 'styles.css' is the only 'css' called from within the project, the 'scss' version simply contains imports to the partial files created within folders.
In order to ensure the integrity of the project and long-term maintainability, we recommend the following rules:
- REM CSS measurement units:
We are using rem's to style our app. Whilst you should not use any other measurement unit, it is correct to use ‘px’ for certain properties. For example, you should still use 'px' for setting a border or the width of a media query to ensure more accurate break points.
The root font size is set to '10px'. This means the calculation required to implement rem’s is simple: (target font size / 10 OR 18 / 10 = 1.8rem).
Please utilize our configuration partial file wherever possible. This contains global variables for generic/brand colours, keyframes, mixins and more! For consistency please reference these instead of redefining where possible (or add to this file).
We are using a 12 Column Grid that works as follows:
The grid has 12 columns
Each columns width is a % value that can be calculated using the following:
Target Columns (Example '6')
Minus Number of Total Columns (12)
Times 100 = 50%
Example HTML mark-up for a 2-column layout:
<div class="grid">
<div class="column column_6_12">
<div class="column column_6_12">
Each column has a ‘20px’ gutter/ Each column has 10px padding on either side.
The grid should not be used within areas that require custom mark-up (such as your header/footer) to avoid having to override default styling. This will ensure the integrity of the code. Please DO NOT apply any styling to the grid directly. These should be global classes which are not overridden (ensures you will not break styling in other places).
To centre your content, simply apply a 'max-width' to the parent wrapper '.grid'. You can either set this globally within the '_css_grid.scss' partial file or target it specifically via a custom parent class.
Open Source Universal User Registration System – NodeJS React Apollo GraphQL JWT MongoDB
Open Source Universal React Redux Boilerplate
This software was developed by Ashley Bibizadeh.
The Electron React Redux Starter Kit is open source software licensed as MIT.