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Adapted from

Cordova Local Notification Plugin

A Cordova 2.3.0+ plugin to create local notifications on iOs by Olivier Lesnicki.

Installing the plugin

  1. Place LocalNotification.m and LocalNotification.h in your Plugins folder

  2. Place cordova.localNotification.js in your www folder

  3. Link your index page to cordova.localNotification.js

  4. In config.xml add the following within the <plugins> tag

     <plugin name="LocalNotification" value="LocalNotification" />

In order to enable the notification listener we need to uncomment a number of lines in CDVPlugin.m and `CDVPlugin.h

  1. In CordovaLib/Classes/CDVPlugin.m uncomment the following line in initWithWebView

     [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didReceiveLocalNotification:) name:CDVLocalNotification object:nil];
  2. In CordovaLib/Classes/CDVPlugin.m uncomment the following lines at the end of the file

     - (void)didReceiveLocalNotification:(NSNotification *)notification {}
  3. In CordovaLib/Classes/CDVPlugin.h uncomment the following line

      - (void)didReceiveLocalNotification:(NSNotification *)notification;
  4. Place your .caf sound in your App Resourcesfolder (not thewww` folder)

Using the plugin

// Schedules a local notification to be triggered after 5 seconds
	fireDate        : Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000 + 5),
	alertBody       : "This is a local notification.",
	action			: "View",
	repeatInterval  : "daily",
	soundName       : "beep.caf",
	badge           : 0,
	notificationId  : 123,
	foreground      : function(notificationId){ 
		alert("Hello World! This alert was triggered by notification " + notificationId); 
	background	: function(notificationId){
		alert("Hello World! This alert was triggered by notification " + notificationId);

// cancel notificationId = 1234
window.plugins.localNotification.cancel(1234, callback);

// cancel all notifications

// set badge number to 3

To Do

  • Implement badges (currently property is ignored)
  • JavaScript validation


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