This program has been developed during the "Projet de programation système" 2018 at EPFL. This is a simple distributed hashtable that uses UDP protocol
How to run it :
Compile the program :
make -B
Specify servers in servers.txt with the following syntax : IP port #of nodes (i.e. 1234 3)
Launch each server with
and by specifying which server from servers.txt you want to launch (IP and port) -
You can either :
a. Put an element (key, value) in the table :
./pps-client-put key value
b. Get a value from the table :
./pps-client-get key
c. Concatenate values from multiple keys and store the result with a new key :
./pps-client-cat k1 k2 k3 ... newKey
d. Get a substring of a value and store it with a new key :
./pps-client-substr k1 fromIndex length k2
e. Find the index of a matching substring in another key-value pair :
./pps-client-find k1 k2
, -1 means that the value of k2 does not contain the value of k1f. List all the nodes and know which one is up and which one is down :
g. Dump the content of a given node :
./pps-dump-node IP port
Note : if a collision occurs, the old value will be overwritten
Developed by Simon Perriard and Hédi Sassi