HUD for TAS encodes. Non-PianoRoll versions support encodes without TAS Editor. Currently contains the following stats:
SMB1/2J PianoRoll: Displays input in piano roll similar to TAS Editor. Other side contains stats: Player Position, Player Speed, Rule #, Frame Timer, Remainder, Pace relative to next framerule, Sockfolder value, Timer, Lagframe counter, Bowser health (when one is loaded)
SMB1/2J Sleek (positions the stats at the top of the screen): Input, Player Position, Player Speed, Rule #, Frame Timer, Remainder, Pace relative to next framerule, Sockfolder value, Timer, Bowser health (when one is loaded)
SMB3 Sleek (positions the stats at the bottom of the screen): Input, Player Position (hex), Player Speed, Next P (oct), P Kill Counter, Lag, Timer, Position X Relative to Screen, Boss HP (when one is loaded), Level Count
If you have any suggestions please submit an issue, or if you have an improved copy submit a pull request. SMB2U edition much appreciated.