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Assignemnt ID7123

For the IITm students who took ID7123 - CCBR ML LAB for # credits, the assignemnt questions are below.


  1. What is the fundamental requirement to data classification ? Support your reason with an example.
  2. How was the problem fixed in the english2hindi prediction example.
  3. What is a GRU and its role. Conduce its functions in bi-directional and multi-perspective lstms with an example.


  1. Find one or more measures of similarity between two grayscale images. Use any library available to you.

  2. Use the measures to make a matrix of inter and intra class spread of training images per hand written digit in the mnist dataset. Eg, the variability in digit 5 might be more than digit 0. This should show up at 5,0 (or 0,5) of your matrix. And 0,0 should show the variability within class 0.

  3. Experiment in colab with and without gpu and report the difference in training time taken for Ex 3 to Ex 6

Submission :

The assignment must be zipped and submitted to the following email IDs on or before 31st of January 2020 for credits.

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. [email protected]

(all examples must be orginal)