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Backend chat server based on the Websocket written by Go.

How to install

Installing go-chat requires Go 1.9 or newer, and dep command.

You can download go-chat and its dependencies with go and dep commands:

$ go get -u
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ dep ensure

To start stand-alone local server, run the followings:

$ go run main/main.go

Server Configuration

go-chat server uses the external configuration file, config.toml. If the configuration file is not found, use default values instead of that. See below for the configuration values. Example of config.toml is located at infra/config/example/config.toml.

The server can accept environment variable GOCHAT_CONFIG_FILE which specifies the configuration file to be used.

e.g. GOCHAT_CONFIG_FILE="another.toml" go run main/main.go will use another.toml as configuration file.

  • Configuration
// Configuration for server behavior.
type Config struct {
	// HTTP service address for the server.
	// The format is `[host]:[port]`, e.g. localhost:8080.
	HTTP string

	// Prefix of URI for the chat API.
	// e.g. given ChatAPIPrefix = `/api` and chat API `/chat/rooms`,
	// the prefixed chat API is `/api/chat/rooms`.
	ChatAPIPrefix string

	// Prefix of URI for the static file server.
	// Example: given local html file `/www/index.html`,
	// StaticHandlerPrefix = "/www" and StaticHandlerPrefix = "/static",
	// the requesting the server with URI `/static/index.html` responds
	// the html content of `/www/index.html`.
	StaticHandlerPrefix string

	// root directory to serve static files.
	StaticFileDir string

	// indicates whether serving static files is enable.
	// if false, StaticHandlerPrefix and StaticFileDir do not
	// affect the server.
	EnableServeStaticFile bool

	// show all of URI routes at server starts.
	ShowRoutes bool
  • Default Configuration
// DefaultConfig is default configuration for the server.
var DefaultConfig = Config{
	HTTP:                  "localhost:8080",
	ChatAPIPrefix:         "",
	StaticHandlerPrefix:   "",
	StaticFileDir:         "", // current directory
	EnableServeStaticFile: true,
	ShowRoutes:            true,

Websocket Connection

The server can accepts the Websocket connetion at /chat/ws. The Websocket connetion can be used two ways:

  1. Receive events from the server.
  2. Send actions to the server.

Receive events

The Websocket connetion can be used as the Event stream which publish the Events, such as Message created, Message deleted and so on, to the client. The client can subscribe such events.

The event format is a JSON like:

  "event": "<event name>",
  "data": {

Send actions

The Websocket connetion can be used as the chat application interface for sending the commands, such as Post new message, Create new room and so on, to the server.

The action format is a JSON like:

  "action": "<action name>",
  "data": {

Note that the responses to those commands are indirectly returnd by the events.


Login -- POST /login

It login to the chat application. The login session is stored to the cookie.

User should login first and use cookie to access chat API.

Request JSON:

    "name": "user name",
    "password": "password",
    "remember_me": true or false,

Response JSON:

    "logged_in": true or false,
    "remember_me": true or false,
    "user_id": <logged-in user ID>, // number
    "error": "error message if any",

GetLoginState GET /login

It gets current login state.

Request JSON: None

Response JSON:

    "logged_in": true or false,
    "remember_me": true or false,
    "user_id": <logged-in user ID>, // number
    "error": "error message if any",

Logout POST /logout

It logout from the chat application.

Request JSON: None

Response JSON:

    "logged_in": false, 
    "error": "error message if any",

CreateRoom -- POST /chat/rooms

It creates new chat room.

Request JSON:

    "room_name": "<room_name>",
    "room_member_ids": [1,2, ...],

response JSON:

    "room_id": created_room_id,
    "ok": true,

DeleteRoom -- DELETE /chat/rooms/:room_id

It deletes existance chat room specified by room_id.

Request JSON: None.

response JSON:

    "room_id": deleted_room_id,
    "ok": true,

GetUserInfo -- GET /chat/users/:user_id

It returns user information specified by user_id.

Request JSON: None.

response JSON:

    "user_id": user_id,
    "user_name": "<user name>",
    "first_name": "<first name>",
    "last_name": "<last name>",

    "friends": [
            "user_id": user_id,
            "user_name": "<user name>",
            "first_name": "<first name>",
            "last_name": "<last name>",

    "rooms": [
            "room_id": room_id,
            "room_name": "<room name>",

GetRoomInfo -- GET /chat/rooms/:room_id

It returns room information specified by room_id.

Request JSON: None.

response JSON:

    "room_id": room_id,
    "room_name": "<room name>",
    "room_creator_id": room_creator_id, // user_id

    "room_members": [
            "user_id": user_id,
            "user_name": "<user name>",
            "first_name": "<first name>",
            "last_name": "<last name>",
            "message_read_at", message_read_time,

    "room_members_size": room_members_size,

GetRoomMessage -- GET /chat/rooms/:room_id/messages

It returns messages in the room specified by room_id. The returned messages contains both read and unread messages.

Query Paramters:

  • before: The start point of the created_at in result messages. It must be RFC3339 form.
  • limit: The number of result messages.

Request JSON:

    "before": "time with RFC3339 format",
    "limit": limit_number,

response JSON:

    "room_id": room_id,

    "messages": [
            "message_id": message_id,
            "content":    "<message content>",
            "created_at": created_at,

    "messages_size": messages_size,


GET /chat/rooms/:room_id/messages?before=2018-01-01T12:34:56Z?limit=10 will returns queried result which contains 10 messages and all of these are created before 2018/01/01 12:34:56.

GetUnreadRoomMessage -- GET /chat/rooms/:room_id/messages/unread

It returns messages unread by the logged-in user in the room specified by room_id.

Query Paramters:

  • limit: The number of result messages.

Request JSON:

    "limit": limit_number,

response JSON:

    "room_id": room_id,

    "messages": [
            "message_id": message_id,
            "content":    "<message content>",
            "created_at": created_at,

    "messages_size": messages_size,


GET /chat/rooms/:room_id/messages/unread?limit=10 will returns queried result which contains 10 messages.

ReadRoomMessages -- POST /chat/rooms/:room_id/messages/read

It notifies to the server that the messages in the room specified by the room_id are read by the user.

Request JSON:

    "read_at": <messages read time> // time format

response JSON:

    "updated_room_id": room_id,
    "read_user_id": user_id,
    "ok": true or false,


Backend chat server based on the Websocket written by Go.








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