This is a Full Stack project has been developed to demonstrate the use of MEBN ( MongoDB, ExpressJS, Bootstrap and NodeJS) stack that has been hosted in the web. The project demonstrates CRUD (create, read, update and Delete) functionality, authentication, security, setting cookies and and assigning accounts according to the users.
- Yelp-Camp is a full stack project that has been created to give reviews to different campsites
- The front end is made using Bootstrap library and Javascript
- For the backend ExpressJS has been used and for database MongoDB has been used
- The website is hosted on a webserver using
Clone the project
git clone'
Go to the project directory
cd 'YelpCamp-full stack Application'
Install dependencies
npm install node.js/express.js.mongoose/ejs-mate/passport.js/express-session/helmet/connect-mongo
Start the server
node app.js
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
: For hosting the website in Mongo Atlas