Caffe Implementation (v1) for
By Hongmei Song and Wenguan Wang and Sanyuan Zhao and Jianbing Shen and Kin-Man Lam
2019/10: Results on DAVIS17 val and test sets are added (instance-level video object segmentation)
Please install our modified caffe first. Download our model ( and put it in 'model' folder. (Baidu disk link:
Then edit paths in ''.
Finally, run ''.
The saliency and segmentation results (on the test sets of DAVIS16 and FBMS) can also be found at (Baidu disk link:
The IOU score of the FBMS-test set should be changed as: 72.3.
======================================================================== If you find our method useful in your research,please consider citing the following papers:
H. Song, W. Wang, J. Shen, S. Zhao, and K. M. Lam, Pyramid Dilated Deeper ConvLSTM for Video Salient Object Detection, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2018
W. Wang, J. Shen, and L. Shao,Video salient object detection via fully convolutional networks,IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 27(1):38-49, 2018
W. Wang, J. Shen, R. Yang, and F. Porikli, Saliency-aware video object segmentation,IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 40(1):20-33, 2018
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