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NGP VAN broadcastEmails API Usage Demo. (Python)

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NGP VAN /broadcastEmails API Usage Demo

API Reference

The Problem

You work for an organization that sends emails to its supporters using NGP 7. You’ve been asked to produce a repeatable report of emails sent through the system, in order to track their performance.

The report should be formatted as a delimited file returned by your program. It should include all emails sent, in reverse order of sending based on EmailMessageId. For each email, you should display the EmailMessageID and name of the email, plus all available top-line stats (Recipients, Opens, Clicks, Unsubscribes, Bounces).

Finally, you should include the name of the variant associated with that email that has the highest percentage-based performance on Opens. Using the language and framework of your choice, write a script or program that produces the report described.

Example output:

> Email report complete, file is EmailReport.csv
>cat EmailReport.csv

Email Message ID, Email Name, Recipients, Opens, Clicks, Unsubscribes, Bounces, Top Variant
2325647 "Join Us for a Howling Good Time!", 1599, 106, 27, 6, 4, "Don't Miss Our Grey Wolf Social"
2324747 "Get Your Gray Wolf Tote Bag: Donate Now!", 3541, 688, 147, 10, 8, "Furry Friends in Need"
2324646,"Tell Congress: Protect Gray Wolves", 2552, 343, 98, 5, 4, "Majestic Predators Need YOU"

A Brief Introduction To Program Files

  • contains the main function of this take-home problem.
  • contains a class that manages all aspects of API calls.
  • contains a sub class of Exception that will be raised when APIManager encounters an error. The main function will catch this error and stop the program.


This instruction assumes that you are using a linux-based system.

  1. Make sure Python 3 is installed on your machine. The version I used was 3.11. I also used the following Python libraries: requests, csv, os, json. There is a great chance that you already have them on your machine. If not, you need to install them prior to running this program.
  2. Clone this repo to your machine. You can do so by typing git clone [email protected]:shengyuan-lu/Bonterra-Take-Home-Problem-Shengyuan.git in your terminal.
  3. Change directory to Bonterra-Take-Home-Problem-Shengyuan
  4. In the Bonterra-Take-Home-Problem-Shengyuan folder, create a .txt file called api_key.txt. You can do so by typing touch api_key.txt in your terminal.
  5. On the first line of api_key.txt, type your API key. Save the file. The program will automatically read your API key from this file. Alternatively, you can manually enter your API key when prompted.
  6. In the terminal, type python3 to run the program. The program will notify you when a report is generated. It may take a while for the program to run.
  7. You can view the email report by typing cat EmailReport.csv in the terminal

Sample Output Based On The API Key Provided

Screenshot 2023-02-26 at 01 52 31

Follow-up Questions

Q: How long, roughly, did you spend working on this project? This won’t affect your evaluation; it helps us norm our problems to our expected time to complete them.

The project took me about 4 hours. I spent about 1 hour playing around with the API and understanding this project, 2 hours writing the program, 1 hour debugging and testing

Q: Give the steps needed to deploy and run your code, written so that someone else can follow and execute them.

See Usage above.

Q: What could you do to improve your code for this project if you had more time? Could you make it more efficient, easier to read, more maintainable? If it were your job to run this report monthly using your code, could it be made easier or more flexible? Give specifics where possible.

  1. The current codebase contains several functions that share the same API call pattern. These functions differ only in the way they process callback data. We can further simplify the code by creating a single function that handles the API calls. This function can accept parameters for endpoint, headers, and authentication, making it reusable for multiple functions. This improvement will result in more efficient and maintainable code, as well as reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

  2. I would like to conduct more comprehensive testing of the program. At present, I only have access to one set of data. To ensure that the program is robust and reliable, I intend to test the program with multiple sets of data.

  3. The current program interface is limited to the terminal, which may not be the most user-friendly option. I recognize that in a real-world scenario, this program would likely be used by campaign managers who require a more user-friendly interface. A web or mobile UI may be developed if I have more time.

  4. Although it is highly unlikely, there may be situations where multiple variants perform equally well in terms of highest open rates. To account for this, I plan to implement a more robust solution that considers all of the highest-performing variants. Currently, I keep the first highest-performing variant from the API in cases of duplicates.

  5. If I were responsible for running this report on a monthly basis, I would automate the process by uploading the scripts to a remote server and configuring them to run automatically once a month. By doing so, I can reduce my workload and avoid the risk of errors or mistakes that may occur during manual execution.

Q: Outline a testing plan for this report, imagining that you are handing it off to someone else to test. What did you do to test this as you developed it? What kinds of automated testing could be helpful here?

  1. When I worked as a Software Quality Assurance Intern at Zoom, the test plans I created are scenario based. Here are a couple scenarios I come up with:
  • When API key is not correct

    • Any error handling?
  • When API key is correct

    • When API call returns 200:

      • When there are no email sent

      • When there are email sent, but without variants

      • When there are email sent with variants

        • When variants have the same performance (unlikely)
        • When variants have different performance
    • When API call does not return 200

      • Any error handling?
  1. During the development of the program, I relied heavily on manual testing. This involved printing the output from my functions and manually comparing them to identify any inconsistencies or errors. While this approach helped me to identify obvious mistakes, it is not a sustainable solution in the long run.

  2. To address this, I plan to implement automated testing by following the principles of test-driven development. This involves writing unit tests for each new feature or functionality as I develop them. By doing so, I can ensure that the code is thoroughly tested and any issues are identified and resolved early in the development process. It is essential to write unit tests that cover as much of the code as possible to ensure that the program meets the necessary requirements and specifications.


NGP VAN broadcastEmails API Usage Demo. (Python)





