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ssrv is a javascript build server for local development and (eventually) production

(Pronounced “serve.”)

ssrv uses deno and esbuild to server render and JIT compile .tsx, .ts, .jsx, and .js files with sensible conventions to make writing HTML, CSS, and Javascript websites and apps enjoyable again.

Under construction 🚧 not ready for production use. Follow to be notified when the first release is published.


  • URL imports work both on the server and in the browser (esbuild plugin)
  • Start rendering html by creating an index.html.tsx file in the root or any sub-directory
  • .ts and .tsx files are compiled JIT when requested using esbuild
  • Cache headers are set to sensible defaults. Files are compiled only once, then returned from an in-memory cache from there.
  • More explaination to come...


To get up and running as quickly as possible, you can execute the server in your project directory:

$ deno compile --output ssrv
$ ssrv --watch
Watcher Process started.
Root file:///Users/username/path/to/project/

Anytime any file changes the entire server will restart.

Use ^C to exit.

Custom configuration

Or if you want to customize the configuration you can write your own server.ts:

import { configure } from ''

export default {
  configure() {
    return configure({
      port: 5678,
      // ... see config/types.ts

Then you can execute your server file like:

$ ssrv --watch server.ts

This will automatically use your local deno.json file if you have one.

Use ^C to exit.

More explaination to come...


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