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VxCage is a WSGI Python application for managing a malware samples repository with a REST API interface.


In order to install VxCage you need to have Python (2.7), pip, and git installed.

Following are the required libraries:

If you want to enable the fuzzy hash, you need to install.

On Ubuntu/Debian systems sudo apt-get install ssdeep libfuzzy-dev

Database - PostgreSQL

This fork of VxCage requires PostgreSQL in order to take advantage of native json data types.

To install PostgreSQL requirements:

On Ubuntu/Debian systems apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-all libpq-dev.

You also need to configure the connection string for your database in etc/api.conf. For example:



Refer to SQLAlchemy's documentation for additional connection string details.

Python Dependencies

If they are installed, you can install the required Python packages via pip.

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

For extended pefile functions install upgrade pefile to a version >= 1.2.10-139

  • pip install pefile --upgrade --allow-external=pefile --allow-unverified=pefile

Development dependencies

You can install the required Python packages via pip.

  • pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Apache Installation

If you plan to run VxCage with Apache, you'll need to have mod_wsgi installed.

On Ubuntu/Debian systems apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi.

Now proceeds installing Apache and required modes:

# apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

Enable the mod:

# a2enmod wsgi

Secure Apache Configuration

If you want to enable SSL, you need to generate a certificate with OpenSSL or buy one from a certified authority. You can also use the make-ssl-cert utility as following:

# make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf /path/to/apache.pem

Now create a virtual host for the domain you want to host the application on. We'll enable WSGI, SSL and a basic authentication.

A valid template is the following:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName yourwebsite.tld

    WSGIDaemonProcess yourapp user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5
    WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/app.wsgi

    <Directory /path/to/app.wsgi>
        WSGIProcessGroup yourgroup
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

    <Location />
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Authentication Required"
        AuthUserFile "/path/to/users"
        Require valid-user

    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /path/to/apache.pem

    ErrorLog /path/to/error.log
    LogLevel warn
    CustomLog /path/to/access.log combined
    ServerSignature Off

Now add your user:

# htpasswd -c /path/to/users username

You should be ready to go. Make sure to reload Apache afterwards:

# service apache2 reload

Unauthenticated Apache 2.4.x Configuration

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost

    WSGIDaemonProcess localhost user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5
    WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/vxcage/app.wsgi

    <Directory /opt/vxcage>
        WSGIProcessGroup localhost
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
        <Files app.wsgi>
            Require all granted

    ErrorLog /opt/vxcage/error.log
    LogLevel debug
    CustomLog /opt/vxcage/access.log combined
    ServerSignature Off

You should be ready to go. Make sure to reload Apache afterwards:

# service apache2 reload

Standalone webserver (Pure Python)

For testing purposes, you can also run it with the server just doing:

$ invoke webserver

API Usage

You can interact with your repository with the provided REST API.

Submit a sample:

$ curl -F [email protected] -F tags="tag1 tag2" http://yourdomain.tld/malware/add

Submit a bunch of samples to a local instance:

$ find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} curl -F file=@{} -F tags="bulk_file_import" http://localhost:8080/malware/add

Retrieve a sample:

$ curl http://yourdomain.tld/malware/get/<sha256> > sample.exe

Find a sample by MD5:

$ curl -F md5=<md5> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find

Find a sample by SHA-256:

$ curl -F sha256=<sha256> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find

Find a sample by Ssdeep (can also search for a substring of the ssdeep hash):

$ curl -F ssdeep=<pattern> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find

Find a sample by import hash (md5):

 $ curl -F imphash=<imphash> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find

Find a sample by Tag:

$ curl -F tag=<tag> http://yourdomain.tld/malware/find

List existing tags:

$ curl http://yourdomain.tld/tags/list

Retrieve total (estimated) number of samples:

$ curl http://yourdomain/malware/total

In case you added a basic authentication, you will need to add --basic -u "user:pass". In case you added SSL support with a generated certificate, you will need to add --insecure and obviously make the requests to https://yourdomain.tld.

Client Console

You can also easily interact with your VxCage server using the provided console interface from either a remote or localmachine.

You will need python 2.7, and pip installed.

In order to run it, you'll need the following dependencies:

  • pip install -r client-requirements.pip

The client can be found on the server in bin\

This is the help message:

usage: [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-s] [-a]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Host of VxCage server
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Port of VxCage server
  -s, --ssl             Enable if the server is running over SSL
  -a, --auth            Enable if the server is prompting an HTTP

As you can see, you can specify the host, the port and enable SSL and HTTP authentication. For example, you can launch it simply with:

$ python --host --port 443 --ssl --auth

You will be prompted with:

  `o   O o   O .oOo  .oOoO' .oOoO .oOo.
   O   o  OoO  O     O   o  o   O OooO'
   o  O   o o  o     o   O  O   o O     
   `o'   O   O `OoO' `OoO'o `OoOo `OoO'
                             OoO'  by nex

Username: nex

Now you can start typing commands, you can start with:

vxcage> help
Available commands:
  tags         Retrieve list of tags
  find         Query a file by md5, sha256, ssdeep, imphash, tag or date
  get          Download a file by sha256
  dump         Dump a list of md5, sha256, ssdeep hashes
  add          Upload a file to the server
  last         Retrieve a list of the last x files uploaded
  total        Total number of samples

  version      Version of remote vxcage server
  license      Print the software license

  help | ?         Show this help
  exit | quit  Exit cli application

You can interrogate the server:

vxcage> version
| Key     | Value                              |
| source  | |
| version | 1.5.0                              |

You can retrieve the list of available tags:

vxcage> tags
| tag                    |
| banker                 |
| bot                    |
| carberp                |
| citadel                |
| zeus                   |
Total: 5

You can dump the hashes from the storage:

vxcage> dump sha256
| sha256                                                           |
| 722cf7a7c33d707da3ed07db60637526439ba910c397b0c91e574d1d30ecf815 |
| 6f3546af73d284a40cbfdd2576a6d8fc3c9b5ffad4413f2312230f4c112face2 |
| 33b4479b234abf14bcff057416ee1c1794adf25188b358435be216fd66bbf6dd |
| 3a44e084acd963635cc31566956dbbb06325e97d31f1ffed3796e57cb2edc7d0 |
| 63b2a22178d1e73dcf8622e0070aaf7213c0a3a799d6cc88d40c170ca63cd5f6 |
| 11f2f82ee59562be560e1803fd508579fd597143b854c01f9f8ef0a95a322799 |
| 3103541e8bb641927ac4617c3fc3e3ea00f7c2a8f555979b21c2d21b8bc22a8f |
| 5d2eb41f8fc3ca2aa75987e3f36b42d94a3a3e96c03b3526c25a77c4f01044f4 |
| 1b05ea7b15603452eacab35f8fde9bc99f3288a5d9e490861d4d21c8a28299b0 |
| 1fd9e96945a6b6e8f0a0f354f72f8718c81a2df2ad0db01193348e6c6a9c1536 |
Total: 10

You can search for all samples matching a specific tag:

vxcage> find tag carberp
| md5                              | sha256                                                           | file_name    | file_type                                         | file_size |
| 719354b4b7b182b30e1de8ce7b417d2f | 689a35928f71848fab346b50811c6c0aab95da01b9293c60d74c7be1357dc029 | carberp1.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 132096    |
| 63d8fd55ebe6e2fa6cc9523df942a9a5 | a6d77a5ba2b5b46a0ad85fe7f7f01063fe7267344c0cecec47985cd1e46fa7a4 | carberp2.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 192512    |
| ccf43cdc957d09ea2c60c6f57e4600f0 | b998233b85af152596f5087e64c2cadb1466e4f6da62f416ac3126f87c364276 | carberp3.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | 186880    |
Total: 3

You can view the last 'x' files uploaded:

vxcage> last 3
| md5                              | sha256                                                           | file_name          | file_type                                                                                     | file_size | virustotal | created_at                 | tags                       |
| 0014f80eb7ae874afd50a175441de885 | 6f3546af73d284a40cbfdd2576a6d8fc3c9b5ffad4413f2312230f4c112face2 | setup.exe          | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive | 430304    | -1         | 2016-05-03 05:12:33.382380 | minotaur, bulk_file_import |
| 940f45f39e83b9e033dc0c1021fa9b95 | 33b4479b234abf14bcff057416ee1c1794adf25188b358435be216fd66bbf6dd | 2inf_startlink.exe | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows                                             | 209488    | -1         | 2016-05-03 05:12:33.382380 | bulk_file_import           |
| b7d1da8e1b0f64a1d11c20292c39a0c3 | 722cf7a7c33d707da3ed07db60637526439ba910c397b0c91e574d1d30ecf815 | ck.exe             | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows                                             | 163840    | -1         | 2016-05-03 05:12:33.382380 | bulk_file_import           |
Total: 3

You can view details on a specific sample:

vxcage> find sha256 b4c5ecdb80ac097eaed5299c8f66cd56ebfe502e33aecf7ecfb6c34efc9f42ac
peid: None
sha1: 20ccd7830548e8ad90216f1473ce4d7f3748b1a8
virustotal: -/- matches
tags: upxed
file_type: None
imphash: None
created_at: 2014-08-02 04:59:19.937406
file_size: 166912
pdfid: {u'pdfid': -1}
file_name: puttytel.exe
crc32: 51799BDB
ssdeep: 3072:lWVW9uWonxEXJXcUuu45mrCDc+hzWXyi:4I9snxE5XUTs+hzW
sha256: b4c5ecdb80ac097eaed5299c8f66cd56ebfe502e33aecf7ecfb6c34efc9f42ac
sha512: be6286f1d79b4aca1a1e504fcc270820803af3c64cf9a570a3a22588734c4cb7a3cef460cccbbd984fcfb6b91fb32108819952859c5baf73fe588fe8372abae5
id: 7
md5: a8b41b32131ca34387d2929c19eaa7d4

You can download the sample:

vxcage> get 689a35928f71848fab346b50811c6c0aab95da01b9293c60d74c7be1357dc029 /tmp
Download: 100% |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| Time: 00:00:00 223.63 K/s
File downloaded at path: /tmp/689a35928f71848fab346b50811c6c0aab95da01b9293c60d74c7be1357dc029

Or upload a new one:

vxcage> add /tmp/malware.exe windows,trojan,something
File uploaded successfully

Server Side Invocations

Available tasks:

    clean         Clean up docs, bytecode, and extras
    clobber       Clean up malware store, database, docs, bytecode, and extras
    rest_client   Run the cli REST API client application
    webserver     Run the test webapp


See LICENSE file

VxCage is licensed originally under BSD 2-Clause and is copyrighted to Claudio Guarnieri.


Twitter: @botherder


REST API based malware repository







No packages published


  • Python 94.5%
  • RAML 5.5%