Several functions to facilitate the process of walking Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) generated from ZON text, and fetch the values of the fields from the AST.
But first you have to call std.zig.Ast.parse
to tokenize and parse your ZON, creating the AST.
Developed and tested with Zig 0.12.0-dev (nightly), more specifically 0.12.0-dev.2823+955fd65cb.
Probably won't work with Zig 0.11, but you're welcome to try it and report back, although I'm not too keen on backporting.
zon_get_fields is licensed under the the MIT License. You are more than welcome to drop zon_get_fields.zig
into your project (don't forget to const zgf = @import("zon_get_fields.zig");
), or you can use the Zig package manager:
In your project's
, in.dependencies
, add.zon_get_fields = .{ .url = "<GIT COMMIT HASH, 40 HEX DIGITS>.tar.gz", .hash = "<ZIG PACKAGE HASH, 68 HEX DIGITS>" // Use arbitrary hash, get correct hash from the error }
In your project's
, inpub fn build
, beforeb.installArtifact(exe);
, addconst zgf = b.dependency("zon_get_fields", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); exe.root_module.addImport("zon_get_fields", zgf.module("zon_get_fields"));
const eppm = @import("zon_get_fields");
in your source file(s). -
Build your project with
zig build
, as you normally do.
Things I like:
- Hey, it works! At looks it looks like it does, and since nothing like this exists in the standard library, I consider it a success;
- You can throw your struct and an AST at a function (
pub fn zonToStruct
), and have your struct filled with data. The fields that have matching values in the provided AST, that is, and you get to know what was filled and what was not - look and the returned struct; - Or you can fetch the values of the fields you need using string paths to indicate them, calling
pub fn getFieldVal
. It's fine if all you need is a couple of fields; - All the basics are covered - signed and unsigned integers and floats, strings, single characters, booleans, nested structs, arrays, arrays of arrays, arrays of structs (in fact, any combination of structs and arrays should work).
Things I don't really like:
- No AST validity verification. Thinking about ZON schemas or similar in the future, maybe?
- If you use the second approach,
pub fn getFieldVal
, for every field you want to read you've got to specify the path. The path is split, the AST is walked, and if you have rather large structures to fetch, a lot of this work is repeated for each field. Not the best approach performance-wise. But you can switch topub fn zonToStruct
, which fills all the fields it can it one go; - An ugly hack that I had to use in order to get negative values from the fields, both integers and floating point. See
fn fulllTokenSlice
. I can't be sure my approach works correctly in all situations, or will continue to work in the future, so I feel really uneasy about using it;
For examples of how to use them, turn to the test sections in zon_parse.zig
- Find
zonToStruct Tests
comment (line 1333) forpub fn zonToStruct
approach - filling your struct all at once; - Find
getFieldVal Tests
comment (line 425) forpub fn getFieldVal
approach - fetching field values one by one, as you provide string paths to each field.
Or check out the short examples below.
Say you've got this ZON file (my.zon
.database =
.host = "",
.port = 5432,
.user = "superadmin",
.password = "supersecret",
.decimal_separator = '.',
.months_in_year = 12,
.newline_char = '\n',
.pi = 3.14159265359,
.hello = "こんにちは",
.unicode_char = '⚡',
.primes = .{ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 },
.factorials = .{ 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800 },
Then you can either:
- Define a struct, pass a pointer to it together with AST built from
to pubfn zonToStruct
, get your struct filled, and get a report struct which mirrors the fields of your struct, indicating whether they were filled or not:
const std = @import("std");
const zgf = @import("zon_get_fields.zig");
pub fn main() !void
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocr = gpa.allocator();
// `Ast.parse` requires a sentinel (0) terminated slice, so we pass 0 as the sentinel value (last arg)
const zon_txt = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAllocOptions(allocr, "my.zon", std.math.maxInt(usize),
null, @alignOf(u8), 0);
var ast = try std.zig.Ast.parse(allocr, zon_txt, .zon);
defer ast.deinit(allocr);
const MyStruct = struct // Field order is not important
const DatabaseSettings = struct
host: []const u8 = &.{}, // Since this is a slice of _const_ u8,
// it will be addressing the string in ast.source
port: u16 = 0,
user: []u8 = &.{}, // Having a slice field requires passing a non-null allocator
// to zonToStruct, and freeing `user` when we're done
password: [20]u8 = [_]u8 {33} ** 20, // This version is filled with string/array elements up
// to this field's capacity, or padded with 0 bytes,
// if the string/array hasn't got enough elements
database: DatabaseSettings = .{},
decimal_separator: u8 = 0,
months_in_year: u8 = 0,
newline_char: u8 = 0,
pi: f64 = 0.0,
hello: []const u8 = &.{}, // Same as hello: []const u8 = undefined; hello.len = 0;
unicode_char: u21 = 0,
primes: [10]u8 = [_]u8 { 0 } ** 10,
factorials: [10]u32 = [_]u32 { 0 } ** 10,
var ms = MyStruct {};
// We MUST provide `allocr` if there are slices in ms, otherwise a null is fine.
const report = try zgf.zonToStruct(&ms, ast, allocr);
defer; // Must free `user` since it's a slice of non-const u8's.
std.debug.print("Field = value = {s}\n", .{ });
std.debug.print("Field = database.port value = {d}\n", .{ ms.database.port });
std.debug.print("Field = database.user value = {s}\n", .{ ms.database.user });
std.debug.print("Field = database.password value = {s}\n", .{ ms.database.password });
std.debug.print("Field = decimal_separator value = {c}\n", .{ ms.decimal_separator });
std.debug.print("Field = months_in_year value = {d}\n", .{ ms.months_in_year });
std.debug.print("Field = newline_char value = 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ ms.newline_char });
std.debug.print("Field = pi value = {d}\n", .{ ms.pi });
std.debug.print("Field = hello value = {s}\n", .{ ms.hello });
std.debug.print("Field = unicode_char value = {u}\n", .{ ms.unicode_char });
std.debug.print("Field = primes value = [ ", .{});
for (ms.primes) |p| std.debug.print("{}, ", .{ p });
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Field = factorials value = [ ", .{});
for (ms.factorials) |f| std.debug.print("{}, ", .{ f });
std.debug.print("]\n\n", .{});
// `report` describes the state of corresponding fields in `ms`
std.debug.print("Report =\n{s}\n", .{ std.json.fmt(report, .{ .whitespace = .indent_4 }) });
- Or you can fetch the values one by one using
pub fn getFieldVal
const std = @import("std");
const zgf = @import("zon_get_fields.zig");
pub fn main() !void
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocr = gpa.allocator();
// `Ast.parse` requires a sentinel (0) terminated slice, so we pass 0 as the sentinel value (last arg)
const zon_txt = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAllocOptions(allocr, "my.zon", std.math.maxInt(usize),
null, @alignOf(u8), 0);
var ast = try std.zig.Ast.parse(allocr, zon_txt, .zon);
defer ast.deinit(allocr);
var fld_name: []const u8 = "";
const dbhost_str = try zgf.getFieldVal([]const u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {s}\n", .{ fld_name, dbhost_str });
fld_name = "database.port";
const dbport_u16 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u16, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {d}\n", .{ fld_name, dbport_u16 });
fld_name = "database.user";
const dbhost_user = try zgf.getFieldVal([]const u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {s}\n", .{ fld_name, dbhost_user });
fld_name = "database.password";
const dbhost_password = try zgf.getFieldVal([]const u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {s}\n", .{ fld_name, dbhost_password });
fld_name = "decimal_separator";
const dec_separ_u8 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {c}\n", .{ fld_name, dec_separ_u8 });
fld_name = "months_in_year";
const months_in_year_u8 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {d}\n", .{ fld_name, months_in_year_u8 });
fld_name = "newline_char";
const newline_char_u8 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = 0x{X:0>2}\n", .{ fld_name, newline_char_u8 });
fld_name = "pi";
const pi_f64 = try zgf.getFieldVal(f64, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {d}\n", .{ fld_name, pi_f64 });
fld_name = "hello";
const hello_unicode_str = try zgf.getFieldVal([]const u8, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {s}\n", .{ fld_name, hello_unicode_str });
fld_name = "unicode_char";
const unicode_char_u21 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u21, ast, fld_name);
std.debug.print("Field = {s} value = {u}\n", .{ fld_name, unicode_char_u21 });
std.debug.print("Field = primes value = [ ", .{});
var buf = [_]u8 { 0 } ** 14;
for (0..5) |i|
const buf_slice = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "primes[{d}]", .{i});
const int_u8 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u8, ast, buf_slice);
std.debug.print("{d}, ", .{ int_u8 });
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});
std.debug.print("Field = factorials value = [ ", .{});
for (0..12) |i|
const buf_slice = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "factorials[{d}]", .{i});
const int_u32 = try zgf.getFieldVal(u32, ast, buf_slice);
std.debug.print("{d}, ", .{ int_u32 });
std.debug.print("]\n", .{});