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Week 12 - Project 3 + GRADUATION

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills NO CLASS Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Presentations
Module 1 NO CLASS Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Presentations
Module 2 NO CLASS Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 GRADUATION!
Homework NO CLASS Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 GO BE FREE

Week 11 - Ephemera & Project 3

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Happy Tree People (Justin) Dictionary Tries (Justin) Hash Maps! (Justin) Project 3 Project 3
Module 1 Rails/JS best practices (NA) Lightning Talk Prep (team) Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 (team)
Module 2 Rangular (JL) Lightning Talks (team) Project 3 (team) Project 3 (team) Project 3 (team)
Homework Rangular App + Lightning Talk Prep (team) Something (team) Project 3
<td> <!-- Week 10 - Thursday Homework -->
 <a href="">Project 3</a>

<td> <!-- Week 10 - Friday -->
 <a href="">Project 3</a>

  (team)    </td>

Week 10 - Project 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Project 2 (team) 10:00 - classroom 7
Testing (with science!) (Justin)
My First Custom Domain Name! breakout (Cory)
<td> <!-- Week 10 - Thursday Drill -->
  <a href="">Project 2</a>
<td> <!-- Week 10 - Friday Review -->
  Rails <a href="">Debugging Lab</a>
Module 1 Project 2 (team) 11:00 - classroom 7
Integration testing with Capybara and RSpec (TG)
Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team) Rails Debugging Lab (team)
Module 2 Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team) Presentations and Celebrate! (team) Debugging Lab Ctnd. & Outcomes
Homework Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team) Celebrate!

Week 9 - Project Vagbond / Project 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Vagabond (team) Asset Pipeline & Lab (Nathan) Lightning Talks 10am (team) Project 2 Approvals (team) Project 2 (team)
Module 1 Vagabond (team) Javascript in Rails Lab (Nathan) Lightning Talks (team) Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team)
Module 2 Vagabond Presentations 3pm (team) Lightning Talk Prep (team) Project 2 Intro (team) Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team)
Homework Asset Pipeline Reading & Issues Vagabond Feedback Survey (team) P2 Spec / Lightning Talk Prep (team) Project 2 (team) Project 2 (team)

Week 8 - Rails & Auth / Project Vagabond

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Secret Keys (Justin) 1:N, N:N Relationships (Nathan) We're going to migration hell (Juliana) Git Workflow (Nathan) Photo Uploads (Brianna) & Agile Development (PMI Ajesh)
Module 1 Rails Auth (Justin) Migrations and Associations (Nathan) Validations and Error handling (Justin) Vagabond (team) Vagabond (team)
Module 2 Library App P1 (Juliana) Library App P2 (Juliana) Vagabond

Heroku deploy workshop (team)
Vagabond (team) Vagabond (team)
Homework Associations & Migrations Reading Validations Reading Vagabond Vagabond

Week 7 - Ruby on Rails

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Username Generator Lab with Tests (Juliana) CSV Challenge (Nathan) CSV Challenge (Justin) CSV Challenge (Nathan) Week 7 Feedback Survey (Mercedes)
Module 1 Regex (Nathan) OO Card Game (Nathan) SQL Queries (Justin) Intro Active Record (Justin) Rock-n-Rails Review Lab (Justin)
Module 2 Ruby OOP (Juliana) OO Lab (Nathan) Intro Rails (Juliana) Outside-in Rails Development (Nathan) Bog App
Homework Wheel of Fortune Lab SQL Reading Rails for Zombies SO MANY FUN THINGS TO DO!!!

Week 6 - Angular+Ruby

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Singly Linked Lists (Brianna) Singly Linked Lists (Justin) Stacks and Queues (Justin) Health Check / Light Yoga (Mercedes) Ruby Review (Nathan)
Module 1 angular-tunely Sprint 5 (Juliana) Custom Directives (Justin) Breakouts: MEAN Auth Blog / Angular Review (team) Intro Ruby (Juliana) Ruby Method Drills (Juliana)
Module 2 angular-geoquakes (Juliana) Services & Service Implementation (Nathan) 2 groups: MEAN Auth (Nathan+Justin) Idiomatic Ruby (Nathan) Weekend Lab (tbd)
Homework Pre-reading and Tunely Sprint 5 Review, Self assessment Look ahead at Ruby Ruby Koans

Week 5 - Angular

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Project 1 Project 1 Angular Intro (Nathan) Whiteboard Iterators & Build JS Iterators Lab (Brianna) Review (team)
Module 1 Project 1 Project 1 Presentations Angular Directives & Expressions and tunely-angular #1 (Juliana) Angular $http U/D and tunely-angular #3 (Juliana) Book App
Module 2 Project 1 FREEDOM!!!! Angular $http C/R and tunely-angular #2 (Justin) Angular Routing & ngRoute Lab (Nathan) Book App & Outcomes
Homework Project 1 Sleep (Everyone) Tunely Tunely sprint 4

Week 4 - Full Stack JS

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Personal API, cURL & Postman (Nathan) Secret Keys (Justin) Project 1 Intro (team) P1 (team) P1 (team)
Module 1 Tunely (Nathan) Tunely (team) P1 Approvals (team) Express Auth Breakout P1 (team) P1 (team)
Module 2 Tunely (Justin) Tunely (team) P1 Approvals (team) P1 (team) P1 (team)
Homework Tunely cont. Tunely cont. P1 P1

Week 3 - Express and Mongo

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Science Fair / Issues (Juliana) Bubble Sort (Nathan) Merge Sort (Justin) Big O (Justin) JS Method Show and Tell (Nick)
Module 1 Intro Express (Juliana) Express Review / REST Convention (Nathan) Intro Mongoose and Mongoose Book App (Justin) Embedded Relationships and Mongoose Book App (Juliana) Review (team)
Module 2 Googling and Stackoverflow-ing (Nick)
Express Params and Queries (Justin)
Todo Lab (Nathan) Mongoose Relationships and Mongoose Book App (Juliana) Intercultural Exchange for benefit of develop (Justin) Personal API & Heroku Deploy
Homework REST Reading and exercises Mongoose reading CRUD/Query Method Reading Friday Review Prep

Week 2 - Working with Objects

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Science Fair / Issues (Juliana) Query String Parser (Nathan) Binary Search (Justin) Debugging (Juliana) Review (Team)
Module 1 Laundry Lab & Array Iterators (Nathan) HTML Forms & Lab (Nathan) Handlebars Templating (Justin) Objects & Constructors (Justin) Review (Team)

Assessment (Solution)
Module 2 Drilling into Hashes (Nick)
JSON & HTML Strings (Justin)
Intro AJAX: Giphy Lab (Juliana) Vocab (Nick)
Geoquakes (Juliana)
Object Lab (Justin) Project 0

Homework Reading & Chrome Add-ons Spotify OOP Preparation Model a Game and OO

Week 1 - Front End Basics

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Drills Orientation Kyrel (Nathan) Kyrel (Nathan) Kyrel (Nathan) Extend Kyrel (Nathan)
Module 1 Orientation Control Flow (Nathan) Array Methods (Justin) jQuery & DOM (Juliana) Review (Team)
Module 2 Assessment - Solution

What is the Internet, Terminal, Git/GitHub (Juliana)
Functions & Arguments (Justin) Keyboard Shortcuts (Nick)
Bootstrap & Class-based CSS (Juliana)
DOM Events (Justin) Tic-Tac-Toe Weekend Lab

Homework Command Line Mystery JS Primitives & Objects Function Practice & DOM Practice jQuery

Daily Schedule Overview

Time Monday - Thursday Friday
9:17 Drills Drills
10:30 Module 1 Module 1
12:30 Lunch Lunch
1:30 Module 2 Work on Weekend Lab
3:00 Cont. Module 2 Outcomes
4:00 Standups / 1:1s Outcomes
4:30 Begin Homework Weekend Lab

Your Instructors

Juliana Lopker
Justin Castilla
Nathan Allen
Nick Brennan (DiR, Developer in Residence)

Your Classmates

name github slack
Adam @mradambeck @adambeck
Adriana @adrianavillagran @adrianavillagran
Ameer @Ameer @ameerbrown
Anna @cloverharvest @cloverharvest
Bob @bkliger @bkliger
Chiyuki @chyktgw @chiyuki
Christine @lamchristine @lamchristine
Emily @eamoses @eamoses
Franklin @Franklinz23 @franke
Hector @hectorcoronado @hcoronado
Hila @hilava @hila
Jim @jimhantrix @jimtekanyo
Justin @jtam11 @jtam11
Lotus @lsquach @lotus
Matthew @matthewvilhauer @matthewvilhauer
Melissa @melicarls @melissacarlson
Michael @mbd @mbds
Morgan @morgansharif @morgansharif
Samuel @samuel1008 @samuel1008
Scott @samadrid92 @samadrid92
Sean @seanvsville @ParanoidAndroid


weekly schedule for WDI 28






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