Serenity/JS is a next generation acceptance testing framework. Learn more at!
This repository was created using the Serenity/JS Jasmine Protractor Template and contains code samples demonstrated in the Full-Stack Acceptance Testing with Serenity/JS and the Screenplay Pattern talk:
To use this project, you'll need:
- Node.js, a Long-Term Support (LTS) release version 10 or later - download
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later - download
- Chrome web browser - download
npm ci # installs the node modules
npm run lint # runs the code linter
npm start # starts the web server with a demo app
npm test # executes the example tests and generates the report under ./target/site/serenity
Please note: to keep things simple, this demo assumes that you start the app server using npm start
before running the tests via npm test
If you'd like to automate the process of starting the server up for the tests and shutting it down after,
have a look at the @serenity-js/local-server
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The Serenity/JS code base is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license, while its documentation and the Serenity/JS Handbook are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International. Learn more.
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- Copyright © 2016- Jan Molak and the Serenity Team