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The project is inspired by Serverless Sharp but doesn't seem to be maintained anymore. The core features have been kept, with some bugs being fixed while other features being temporarily cut. Some might be reintroduced in near future releases. With this solution, you can get your image service without relying on other paid solutions from Cloud providers such as CloudFlare, Akamai, Imgix to name a few.

The advantages of having your custom solution are flexibility, lower costs, and customization.

More about on my website: Serverless Image-Service

Table of Content


The service is meant to be consumed from both a client App to fetch images from the GET route, and a CMS to manage static assets by uploading and removing them from an AWS S3 Bucket through the POST and DELETE routes. It is capable of storing incoming binary data and serving outcoming images with additional processing for size and quality on-demand. Image processing is handled by the Sharp library.

Public S3 Bucket

Warning, this is enabled by default, if you deploy your S3 Bucket will have Host for Static Site enabled and access will be public! Currently, I'm investigating how to bypass the Lambda triggers if the request has no query parameters aka. it doesn't require any processing over the image requested. Something might be achievable by tweaking the API Gateway config but I don't have a certain answer yet. Anyway, the service is going to perfectly work with a private S3 Bucket, you can disable this by commenting the following lines in serverless.yml before deploying:

    IndexDocument: " "
    BlockPublicAcls: false
    BlockPublicPolicy: false
    IgnorePublicAcls: false
    RestrictPublicBuckets: false

Alternatively, you can comment just the first 2 lines to disable Static Hosting and change the remaining values to be true

Caching Strategy

The only CDN solution offered by this service is AWS CloudFront, which serves as Caching place for avoiding useless stress on Lambda in case of high traffic aka. many requests at once, Lambda's free tier might be generous with 1M requests/month free, but why waste them? If you have access to an external CDN that can also Cache content from the Origin then it would be a good idea to register your CloudFront distribution as Proxy to a DNS and Cache there as well successful responses.

Depending on costs on both sides and overall traffic, by using this strategy you could easily use the entire solution for free! More about this in my article


Method Route Description Content-Type In Content-Type Out CORS Cache Lambda
GET / List Images not-required application/json none none image-service-<stage>-list
GET /{any+} Get Image not-required image/* or application/json none 2592000 image-service-<stage>-get
POST /{any+} Upload Images multipart/form-data or not-required application/json CUSTOM_DOMAIN none image-service-<stage>-post
DELETE /{any+} Remove Image not-required or application/json application/json CUSTOM_DOMAIN none image-service-<stage>-delete

GET - List Images

Gets a list of all the images in the S3 Bucket (currently limited to 1000 keys). It has been designed for debugging purposes only, but can be extended to list subpaths as well as being so integrated into CMS workflows.


It responds with:

  • 🟒 Success:
        "Key": "path/image-second.png",
        "LastModified": "2022-04-15T13:35:23.000Z",
        "ETag": "firstimageetagrandomhsh123456789",
        "ChecksumAlgorithm": [],
        "Size": 182728,
        "StorageClass": "STANDARD"
        "Key": "image.jpg",
        "LastModified": "2022-04-15T13:35:22.000Z",
        "ETag": "secondimageetagrandomhsh12345678",
        "ChecksumAlgorithm": [],
        "Size": 403063,
        "StorageClass": "STANDARD"
        "Key": "random/path/image-third.png",
        "LastModified": "2022-04-15T13:35:23.000Z",
        "ETag": "thirdtimageetagrandomhsh98765432",
        "ChecksumAlgorithm": [],
        "Size": 1599028,
        "StorageClass": "STANDARD"
  • πŸ”΄ Error:
      "name": "S3Exception",
      "status": 404,
      "code": "NoSuchBucket",
      "message": "The specified bucket does not exist"

GET - Get Image

This endpoint has 2 purposes, based on receiving query parameters or not:

  • Without query params: It returns the original file from the key provided (path + filename)
  • With query params: Attempts to fetch the original file and processes it based on what options are supported before returning it.

For some codec and config reasons, some formats that are applied q=70 or higher, output a bigger size image than the original.



It responds with:

  • 🟒 Success:

  • πŸ”΄ Error:

      "name": "S3Exception",
      "status": 404,
      "code": "NoSuchKey",
      "message": "The specified key does not exist."
      "status": 500,
      "code": "internal-error",
      "message": "Error: Expected positive integer for height but received -350 of type number"

Supported Query Parameters

Currently, the following query parameters are supported:

Resizing Operations | Docs
  • w= | <Integer>: πŸ“ | A positive number of px that represents the new width which the image is requested to scale at
  • h= | <Integer>: πŸ“ | A positive number of px that represents the new height which the image is requested to scale at
  • f= | <String>: πŸ“ | The fit for when both width and height are used, can be cover, contain, fill, inside or outside. Defaults to cover
  • p= | <String>: πŸ“ | The position for when fit is either cover or contain. Can be top, right bottom, left top... or cardinal north, southeast, west,... Defaults to center, full list of available values in Docs.
  • bg= | <Object>: πŸ“ | The ackground colour when using a fit of contain
  • k= | <String>: πŸ“ | The kernel to use for image reduction. It can be nearest, cubic, mitchell, lanczos2, lanczos3 (default)
  • ex= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Extends the edges of the image with the provided background colour.
  • cb= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Extract/crop a region of the image before resizing
  • ca= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Extract/crop a region of the image after resizing
  • tr= | <Integer>: πŸ“ | Trim "boring" pixels from all edges that contain values similar to the top-left pixel
Image Operations | Docs
  • r= | <Integer>: πŸ“ | An integer number that represents the rotation degree at which the image will be rotated. Negative numbers allowed for counter-clockwise rotations.
  • flip= | <Boolean>: πŸ“ | If true will mirror the image on the Y axis
  • flop= | <Boolean>: πŸ“ | If true will mirror the image on the X axis
  • af= | <Array>: πŸ“ | If a valid Array is passed will perform an affine transform on the image based on offset values inside the Array
  • afbg= | <String>: πŸ“ | The background in Hex for the affine transform, defaults to full black #000000
  • afi= | <String>: πŸ“ | The Interpolator for the affine transform, can be one of nearest, bilinear, bicubic, lbb, nohalo, vsqbs. It defaults to bicubic
  • sh= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Sharpen the image, requires a valid JSON Object as value, more details about individual keys in the Docs
  • md= | <Integer>: πŸ“ | Apply a Median filter over the image. Value is an integer, represents the square mask NxN
  • bl= | <Float>: πŸ“ | Blur the image by the value, which represents the sigma of the Gaussian mask. Values accepted in the range 0.3 and 1000, float or integer types.
  • fl= | <String>: πŸ“ | Flatten, merge alpha transparency channel, if any, with a background, then remove the alpha channel. Value is a Hex color
  • gm= | <Array>: πŸ“ | Gamma correction. Value is an array of floats, first element is gamma in second is gamma out
  • ng= | <Boolean>: πŸ“ | Produces the Negative of the image. Value is a boolean
  • nr= | <Boolean>: πŸ“ | Normalize output image contrast by stretching its luminance to cover the full dynamic range, Value is a boolean
  • cl= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Enhance the clarity of the image by bringing out darker details through Clahe. Value is an Object with width height and optional maxSlope params. More in the Docs
  • cv= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Convolve with a specific kernel, more about value in Docs
  • th= | <Integer>: πŸ“ | Any pixel value greater than or equal to the Threshold value will be set to 255, otherwise it will be set to 0
  • bo= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Perform a bitwise Boolean operation with operand image. you can pass and, or and eor as operator, and a link to an image to fetch to operand. Doesn't support local files yet
  • li= | <Array>: πŸ“ | Apply the Linear formula a * input + b to the image (levels adjustment)
  • rc= | <Array>: πŸ“ | Recomb the image with the specified matrix.
  • mo= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Modulate transform the image using brightness, saturation, hue rotation, and lightness. See Object structure in Docs
Color Manipulation | Docs
  • t= | <Object>: πŸ“ | Tint the image using the provided chroma while preserving the image luminance. Value is an Object with r g b props. Alpha is ignored.
  • g= | <Boolean>: πŸ“ | Convert to 8-bit greyscale if the value is trueor 1
  • pc= | <String>: πŸ“ | The input image will be converted to the provided colourspace at the start of the pipeline. Possible values: multiband, b-w, histogram, xyz, lab, cmyk, labq, rgb, cmc, lch, labs, srgb, yxy, fourier, rgb16, grey16, matrix, scrgb, hsv, last,
  • tc= | <String>: πŸ“ | Set the output colourspace. Possible values same as above
Channel Manipulation | Docs
  • ra= | <Boolean>: πŸ“ | if value is true then Remove Alpha channel from image.jpg if any
  • ea= | <Float>: πŸ“ | Ensure Alpha channel on image.jpg by the number in the value
  • ec= | <String>: πŸ“ | Extract a Single Channel from image.jpg. Possible values are red, green, blue and alpha
  • jc= | <Array>: πŸ“ | Join more channels into image.jpg. Value is an array of links to images with different channels to be fetched and then merged. Warning, is error prone, use carefully.
  • bb= | <String>: πŸ“ | Perform a Bitwise Boolean operation on all input image channels (bands) to produce a single channel output image. Possible values are and, or and eor
Compositing Images | Docs
  • wm= | <String> πŸ“ | The name of the Watermark to be applied over the image. Static assets must be stored inside the src/assets directory
  • gr= | <String> πŸ“ | The position where to apply the Watermark on the original image. Defaults to southwest, other positions are described as cardinal points, northeast, west, center...
Output Options | Docs
  • q= | <Integer>: A positive number between 1 and 100 that represents the new quality which the image is requested to be compressed at
  • fm= | <String>: πŸ“ | The name of the format you want to convert the original image, if not supported returns the original format with other eventual optimizations applied. Still experimental, stating to Sharp Docs you can pass the following values: jpeg, png, webp, gif, jp2 (not yet supported), tiff, avif, heif, raw,
  • ll= | <Boolean>: It allows to enable Lossless Compression when available, you can pass booleans true or false or integers 0 or 1. It defaults to false if not passed or other stranger values are detected.

Since these parameters can be chained into one request, their actions need to coexist in the final image. Some rules apply when for example you get both w and h in the same request, or when you have just one of them but also q

Order doesn't matter between Query Parameters

Use Cases Examples

Following are some examples of Query Parameter usage:

Think of image.jpg as 🍺

Examples - Resizing Operations
Query Processed Image
Will scale down image.jpg width to 500px if its original width is higher, if the original width is lower, will NOT scale up, it will skip resizing maintaining aspect-ratio. Height is downscaled progressively in proportion to the new width
Same as above but this time comparisons and dimensions are related to image.jpg heights
Unless the values provided are not complementary related to the originals, this will crop image.jpg to be 500px width and 200px height. If any of the values is bigger than its original counterpart resize is skipped and the original image is returned
Will resize the image.jpg canvas to 500x200 and scale down the image mantaining proportions leaving a black background
Same as above but will align image.jpg on the left of the canvas
Same as above but the black background will match the rgba color in the params
Using nearest kernel to process image.jpg
Extends the image with as many px as described in each position in params. Can be chained with bg to give to the background a different color
Crops before resizing image.jpg
Crops after resizing image.jpg
Trims the similar value 10 pixels around the edges of image.jpg
Examples - Image Operations
Query Processed Image
Will rotate image.jpg of 33 degrees clockwise. Warning, the canvas containing the image will scale to new dimensions to include the whole image corners!
Will rotate image.jpg of 75 degrees counter-clockwise. Same warning as above applies here as well
Will mirror image.jpg on both X and Y axis (diagonal mirror). You can pass both true false and 0 1 values
Will perform an affine transform over image.jpg
Will perform an affine transform over image.jpg and convert the background to full white #FFFFFF
Will perform an affine transform over image.jpg and apply an interpolator of locallyBoundedBicubic
Will Sharpen image.jpg based on the parameters contained in the value Object
Apply Median filter over image.jpg
Blur image.jpg with a sigma of 2.2
Apply Flatten filter over image.jpg mergin alpha transparency with color #F0A703 (yellowish)
Apply Gamma correction of 2.2 input and 2.3 output on image.jpg
Get the Negative of image.jpg
Apply Normalize for full dynamic range luminance over image.jpg
Apply histogram equalization Clahe over image.jpg
Apply Convolve over image.jpg with custom kernel values
All pixels from image.jpg >= 125 Threshold will get a 255 value
Will Boolean merge image.jpg and the imageToMerge.jpg fetched from the source url because of the and operator. This feature is error prone, mignt be buggy.
Will pass 1.0 as a and 0.0 as b to the Linear formula a * input + b over image.jpg
Recomb image.jpg to match the matrix of values provided
Modulate explicit values brightness, saturation and hue over image.jpg
Examples - Color Manipulation
Query Processed Image
Tint image.jpg with the provided red=255 green=16 blue=240 params. Warning, this affects the Watermark if any as well
Converts image.jpg to Greyscale
Sets the current image.jpg to rgb16 Colour Space
Sets the output image.jpg to srgb Colour Space
Examples - Channel Manipulation
Query Processed Image
Removes the Alpha Channel of image.jpg if there is any.
Ensures image.jpg has an alpha channel of the value 0.1
Extracts from image.jpg the red channel
Fetches images in values' urls and Joins Channels of each with image.jpg
Bitwises the channels of image.jpg based on eor logical to return a single channel
Examples - Compositing Images
Query Processed Image
Applies the companyLogo.png watermark over image.jpg in southwest position aka. bottom-left. Pro-tip, leave some padding when designing the watermark, currently there is no offset option that works with gravity
Applies the companyLogo.png watermark over image.jpg in northeast position aka. top-right. Pro-tip, leave some padding when designing the watermark, currently there is no offset option that works with gravity
Applies the companyLogo.png watermark over image.jpg in center position aka. well, center. Pro-tip, leave some padding when designing the watermark, currently there is no offset option that works with gravity
Examples - Output Options
Query Processed Image
This will reduce the quality of image.jpg by 50% before returning it. No scaling is applied
This will reduce the quality of image.jpg by 90% before returning it. No scaling is applied
For last, it will attempt to scale down image.jpg to 250px width (with height proportionally scaled-down as well) and then reduce the quality of the scaled image by 70%
Resizes image.jpg to 100px width with proportional height and converts it to be in webp format, disable lossless convertion.

POST - Upload Images

Uploads one or many images to a specific path inside an S3 Bucket. Once provided /path/to/upload the function will attempt to upload all the files provided under it, if any of the selected filenames are already contained inside the same path, it will throw a conflict error.

Note that this endpoint is supposed to receive a Content-Type: multipart/form-data payload format to work but this depends on the library or tool you use to make the request. If using fetch or Thunder for example you won't have to add the Content-Type header at all, since they handle the situation in the background, the header itself also contains a boundary that is used to mark the beginning and the end of the payload, as well as distinguish the various files, or parts, which it's composed of. You'll still have to pass a binary of multipart/form-data as body on your request though.

The structure of the payload on the client-side looks like this:

  data: ImageBuffer.jpg
  data: ImageSecondBuffer.png
  data: ImageThirdBuffer.webp
  data: ...

The key for the multipart/form-data has to always be data because other metadata such as name and extension are already contained within the ImageBuffer that is in this case the binary representation of the image we want to upload, and they will be parsed back by Lambda once received in a correct form.

There are many ways to construct a valid payload compatible but it differs from the client App and its libraries.

An example with React/Next.js is provided in the related paragraph

The raw data, once reaches Lambda, due to API Gateway policy, it forcefully encodes the request body into base64, forcing Lambda to decode it back into binary if we want to parse it further from it's multipart/form-data format. I still haven't found a hack for this, avoiding useless data transformation would be ideal since it would be less prone to bad parsing.

Once the data gets parsed, it's directly written on the S3 Bucket from the Buffer within the RAM, without being written on Lambda's ephemeral storage first.


It responds with:

  • 🟒 Success:
      "status": 200,
      "code": "success",
      "message": "Images uploaded successfully!",
      "ETags": [
          "link": "",
          "ETag": "firstimageetagrandomhsh123456789"
          "link": "",
          "ETag": "secondimageetagrandomhsh12345678"
          "link": "",
          "ETag": "thirdtimageetagrandomhsh98765432"
  • πŸ”΄ Error:
      "status": 400,
      "code": "internal-error",
      "message": "Malformed or missing incoming data"
      "status": 409,
      "code": "already-exists",
      "message": "Images [ image.jpg, image-second.png, ... ] already exist within the requested path /random/path"

DELETE - Remove Image

Removes images that correspond to the key (path + filename) provided with the request. The payload is an application/json that has the images key a list of string filenames to be removed within the path you invoked the function over. It can delete as many files as you pass to it. they just have to all be already stored within S3, if any of keys aren't available will throw an error, if all files have been deleted will return a successful message.


  "images": ["first.jpg","second.jpg", "thisDoesntExist.jpg"]


It responds with:

  • 🟒 Success:
      status: 200,
      code: "success",
      message: "Images removed successfully!",
  • πŸ”΄ Error:
      "status": 404,
      "code": "not-found",
      "message": "No image passed for removal"
      "status": 404,
      "code": "not-found",
      "message": "Images [ first.jpg, second.jpg ] don't exist under the requested path /random/path"


Clone and install NPM dependencies:

  • git clone
  • cd serverless-image-service && npm i

There are a couple of things to be done before deploying:

  1. Setup your AWS_CREDENTIALS within your local environment, being it you machine, a Docker container or a CI/CD Pipeline secrets. More about permissions needed in Serverless Docs
  2. Create an AWS Certificate in ACM on the us-east-1 region that belongs to your and register the CNAME inside your external CDN or in Route53. Also, remember to apply the necessary adjustments to your CDN for SSL/TLS traffic to avoid funky responses from API Gateway
  3. Adjust example-s3-bucket-policy.json by changing the <CUSTOM_DOMAIN> with your You will have multiple files for different environments if you use different domains or subdomains
  4. Copy example.settings.yml to settings.yml and adjust missing values such as the region, CUSTOM_DOMAIN, and ACM_CERTIFICATE_ARN which is the ID of the Cert you created at step one. Note that the SOURCE_BUCKET and CUSTOM_DOMAIN will have to be equal within the same stage
  5. Make sure not to already have an S3 Bucket on AWS with the same name of CUSTOM_DOMAIN
  6. Optional Place inside src/assets/ any Watermark of your choice to apply it further over images.
  7. Optional If you don't want to include GET (List), POST and DELETE routes deployed you can just comment them in serverless.yml. That will just deploy the GET that will serve assets to clients, leaving up to you to upload manually assets within the S3 Bucket or integrate this operation with another service.

If you opt for not deploying POST and DELETE you can disable CORS as well on S3 resource sharing by commenting the following lines in serverless.yml:

    - AllowedMethods:
        - "POST"
        - "DELETE"
        - "*"
        - "*"
        - "x-amz-server-side-encryption"
        - "x-amz-request-id"
        - "x-amz-id-2"
      MaxAge: 3000

The reason we are creating the Certificate in us-east-1 is that for some reason AWS won't accept to create resources in other regions such as eu-central-1 if the Certificate also belongs in eu-central-1 After the above points are checked everything should be ready to go for deployment.

  • After the CloudFormation Stack deploys, add a CNAME of the created CloudFront Distribution within your external CDN DNS or Route53 and Proxy traffic through it. The distribution looks like: and has to be assosiated with the name of your S3 Bucket.

Record Example: Type: CNAME | Name: | Value:


To debug endpoints I recommend the Thunder Client extension for VSCode, it's feature-rich and has everything you need to send requests and debug endpoints. If you don't find yourself comfortable you can also use Postman instead, or curl if you're a true hardcore!

You can find both Thunder and Postman Collections and Environment in their directories inside the repo, they have predefined requests that cover all the functionality of the service, import them and change the environment accordingly with your domain, path, and filename

Local Development

Before running the localhost environment consider importing into either Thunder or Postman their corresponding Collections and Environments. You can keep the *-local.json and change just filename and path as you debug.

For local development serverless-offline plugin is used, to use it you first need to Deploy it. After the deployment succeeds, you can run sls offline --stage <YOUR_STAGE> or from NPM npm run offline:<YOUR_STAGE> and use Thunder or Postman against the local Environment.

How to Deploy

To deploy the app you can either use sls deploy --stage <YOUR_STAGE> if you have Serverless installed Globally, or use the NPN script desired you can find in package.json, ex npm run deploy:dev will deploy on dev environment.

At first, deployment is going to take a bit longer, future redeploys will end faster. If an error is returned while deploying, before swearing, you can check your stack in AWS CloudFormation, under events there is a remote chance to find something useful. If this doesn't help feel free to open an issue 😁

If you plan to debug your remote environments (dev, staging, prod) you can use the Thunder and Postman Collections with the *-prod.json environment. Just make sure to adjust the values for the env variables before.

Differences from Venveo's service

Along with the edits to almost all the code structure, there are still a couple of things unchanged such as the security chunk.


  • Switched from Object-Oriented to Functional programming paradigm
  • Updated dependencies and Serverless version to V3
  • Removed deprecated code on both Node and Serverless sides
  • Included upload, delete and list of static assets
  • S3 Bucket and Policy are created at deploy time based on the custom domain you want the service to run on
  • Query params parser corrector, all defined query params (w, h, q) are recognized and applied to the returned image
  • Fixed images paths without query params not being displayed
  • Fixed image scale-up when w= and/or h= values are higher than the original image's width and/or height
  • Packaged just the essential files within Lambdas
  • Added Thunder Client and Postman Collections for easy debugging
  • Removed Tests


What needs to be addressed soon:

  • Add support for remaining Resizing Operations
  • Add support for Image Operations
  • Add support for Color Manipulation
  • Add support for Channel Manipulation
  • Personal favourite, add watermark with custom position, can be achieved with Compositing
  • Add Images under each option in the Docs
  • Extend DELETE endpoint to remove multiple assets at once, similar to POST but reversed.
  • Implement TypeScript!
  • Enforce watermark with query param for gravity but without query param for name with a Serverless flag, to avoid public expose of raw images without branding.
  • Allow Base64 encoding for long and explicit param values (Arrays and Objects)
  • (Undecided) Allow for deploys over custom base paths /images/random/path/image.jpg. Not recommended
  • Create presets for popular transforms that can be applied all at once with a special query param and have priority over other query parameters
  • Find a way to bypass Lambda when no query params are detected by API Gateway and get the asset from S3 Static Site (requires public access)
  • Test the security s="" query parameter or change it with another solution
  • Review security and binaryMediaTypes from API Gateway to disallow certain file types to be uploaded/served
  • Test uploading other files besides images, restrict or let pass other MIME Types with a flag on Serverless
  • Solve bugs within the image processing, such as the size being larger than the original with q=70 or higher
  • Test and ensure CloudFront's Cache working properly to avoid Lambda throttling
  • Establish an efficient CLI Rollback of CloudFormation Stack from Serverless, it breaks because buckets related are not empty before removed
  • Introduce Unit Tests back

Consuming The Service Client-Side

On the client-side, the App needs to communicate with the service through any library that can send HTTP requests, while most endpoints are pretty straight forward there is one, in particular, that needs more work to make it work properly, the Upload Image POST As described above needs to receive a POST request with a binary multipart/form-data body. Every framework/library has different ways to pack such an object, I'll show how I do it using React/Next.js and the fetch library.

import { useRef } from "react"

const App = () => {
  const form = useRef(null);

  const postImage = async (e) => {
    const data = new FormData(form.current);
    const options = {
      method: "POST",
      body: data,
    const res = await fetch("", options);
    const loaded = await res.json();


The FormData is the interface you should be targetting when packing an object that contains the images you want to send over to be uploaded.

Most of the time you won't need to include any Content-Type header into the request, libraries know how to attach it automatically because the full header for such a request in its full form would look something like this multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------157259096020916242283640002646. That boundary is the separator between each object in the request, each image in our case. It generates when a FormData is created and the service is parsing this once the request gets to Lambda, and since you don't have to worry about it before sending the request, that's a win from both sides!


Many limits are still unknown due to the early life of the project, this thing was just born πŸ˜…

  • There is a limit of 10Mb max for payloads on the POST route, meaning you can't upload 50 images at once unless they're thumbnails
  • I'm still breaking things, will update as soon as something happens...

How to Contribute

If you want to contribute to the project just clone it, move to a branch with a simple naming convention with-this-format and push your branch, then open me a PR with some information about your changes and I'll take a look.


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