This is no longer maintained as mono-fastcgi-server is no longer maintained and performance tests showed apache with mono perform better. If you have a legacy web app you want to run use mono-apache or mono-nginx if you can self host the mono app.
This repository contains Dockerfile for publishing Docker's automated build to the public Docker Hub Registry with Runit as process with id 1 launching nginx and mono-fastcgi-server4 as services and supervising them.
Nginx is exposed from the container on port 80 and the mono-fastcgi-server4 loads the application from /var/www.
First you need to pull the image:
docker pull seif/docker-mono-fastcgi-nginx
Then build your project, create a Dockerfile, copy the application to /var/www and start runit:
FROM seif/docker-mono-fastcgi-nginx
ADD buildOutput/website /var/www/
CMD ["/usr/sbin/runit_bootstrap"]
Build your container
docker build -t my_website .
Run it, forwarding the host's port 8080 to the container's port 80
docker run --rm -i -t -p 8080:80 my_website
You should now be able to access the site on your local machine port 8080