Japanese REAMED is here. (日本語のREADMEはこちらです。)
Kanji Converter to Hiragana, Katakana, Roman alphabet.
You can get the reading and pronunciation of Japanese sentences based on sudachidict.
Sudachidict is a regularly updated dictionary, so it can relatively handle new proper nouns and other terms.
macOS Sonoma 14.5
pip install kanjiconv
from kanjiconv import KanjiConv
kanji_conv = KanjiConv(separator="/")
# convert to hiragana
text = "幽☆遊☆白書は、最高の漫画デス。"
# convert to katakana
text = "幽☆遊☆白書は、最高の漫画デス。"
# convert to Roman alphabet
text = "幽☆遊☆白書は、最高の漫画デス。"
yuuyuuhakusho/ha/, /saikou/no/manga/desu/.
# You can change separator to another character or None
kanji_conv = KanjiConv(separator="_")
kanji_conv = KanjiConv(separator="")
The default dictionary is sudachidict_full. If you want to use a lighter dictionary, you can install either sudachidict_small or sudachidict_core.
- If you need detailed readings, we recommend using sudachidict_full. The default is set to sudachidict_full.
- If you prefer lighter operation, sudachidict_small is recommended.
- sudachidict_core offers a balanced option between speed and accuracy.
pip install sudachidict_small
pip install sudachidict_core
- If using sudachidict_small or sudachidict_core, specify it like this:
kanji_conv = KanjiConv(sudachi_dict_type="small", separator="/")
kanji_conv = KanjiConv(sudachi_dict_type="core", separator="/")
kanjiconv reading function is based on SudachiDict, and you need to update SudachiDict regularly via pip.
pip install -U sudachidict_full
pip install -U sudachidict_small
pip install -U sudachidict_core
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
- SudachiPy: Apache License 2.0
- SudachiDict: Apache License 2.0
This library uses SudachiPy and its dictionary SudachiDict for morphological analysis. These are also distributed under the Apache License 2.0.
For detailed license information, please refer to the LICENSE files of each project: