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This website demonstrates how a blockchain works... or tries to.


JIRA001 - Make the workers array dynamic, allow new workers to be added. JIRA001-01 Change the compute power algorithms to take account of number of workers and relative compute power (it's just a random number genreator at present) JIRA001-02 Add in active = Y/N to each worker to allow workers to go off-line, when swithched back on they catch up by downloading the missed parts of the blockchain.

JIRA002 - Highlight the winning card better - subtle purple highlight and use css to raise the card (maybe briefly flash - see what that looks like)

JIRA003 - Connect to coindesk api to receive real time altcoin prices and display in ticker at top of screen

JIRA004 - Decide whether the moving background adds or distracts from the experience - I'm in two minds!

JIRA005 - Examine website on differnet displays. Coded originally on a 27" iMac and then looked at on 14" MacBook - looked completely different and needed quite a bit of CSS refactoring - probably looks cr@p on the iMac now!

JIRA006 - work out the problem with the input fields having such large padding. Changing the padding causes the labels to not display correctly - and I like the moving label in the matrial kit css!

JIRA007 - Improve the descriptions in the info modals. The security aspects of blockchain in particular are not described very well. Describe how about 3 mega companies have dominance over bitcoin mining.

JIRA777 - Don't run out of time in coding challenges, consider giving up day job!

JIRA778 - Find Udemy course that teaches sleeping is not a necessay part of life.

JIRA888 - Refactor code massively - it's a mess!

JIRA889 - DRY out the code!

JIRA999 - Learn to code quicker!

JIRA1million - Launch an ICO for sdeaghCoin (SDC).. :) :) :) to solve JIRA777 onwards.


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