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Seastar Memcache Compatibility

Tzach Livyatan edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Seastar memcache is a compatible with stock memcache.


The following operations are supported:

  • set
  • cas
  • add
  • replace
  • get
  • gets
  • delete
  • flush_all
  • version
  • stats (partial)
  • incr
  • decr

The following operations are note yet supported:

  • append
  • prepend
  • stats (partial)
  • touch
  • slabs
  • lru_crawler
  • verbosity
  • quit
  • shutdown


  • Text - supported
  • Binary - Not supported


  • TCP - supported
  • UDP - supported

Command line options

Command line options are not compatible. For a complete list on options

memcache --help

Missing anything?

Found a feature you need in the the unsupported list? Let us know, or send a patch!