Warning: This project has migrated to pure TypeScript to remove Wasm environment requirements. The Rust version may be revived some day, but for now consider it deprecated. See
for the current version.
A Rust / TypeScript library for Gliński's hexagonal chess, and the brain of hexchess.club
Execute hexchess
to open the following command line interface.
Usage: hexchess <COMMAND>
apply Apply sequence of moves to a position
get-status Get game status (w, b, stalemate, checkmate)
get-targets Get legal moves
parse Parse hexchess fen to JSON
test-move Test if a move is legal
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
A collection of wasm bindings available via @bedard/hexchess
, listed below are the available methods.
Note: Depending on the bundler, plugins may be required for Web Assembly and top-level await.
Create a new Hexchess
object and apply a single Notation
import { applyNotation } from '@bedard/hexchess'
applyNotation(hexchess, notation)
// { board: { ... }, enPassant, turn, fullmove, halfmove }
Create a new Hexchess
object and apply a whitespace-separated sequence of moves. An error is thrown if a piece of notation is not valid or a move is illegal.
import { applySequence } from '@bedard/hexchess'
applySequence(hexchess, 'g4g5 e7e6')
// { board: { ... }, enPassant, turn, fullmove, halfmove }
Create an empty Hexchess
import { createHexchess } from '@bedard/hexchess'
// { board: { ... }, enPassant, turn, fullmove, halfmove }
Create a Hexchess
object with the initial game state.
import { createHexchessInitial } from '@bedard/hexchess'
// { board: { ... }, enPassant, turn, fullmove, halfmove }
Find a player's king.
import { findKing } from '@bedard/hexchess'
findKing(hexchess, 'b')
Get the color of a piece.
import { getColor } from '@bedard/hexchess'
getColor('p') // 'b'
getColor('P') // 'w'
getColor('?') // null
Get color of a piece by board position. If no piece is present, null
will be returned.
import { getPositionColor } from '@bedard/hexchess'
getPositionColor(hexchess, 'f5') // 'w'
Find all legal moves from a position and return an array of Notation
import { getTargets } from '@bedard/hexchess'
targets(hexchess, 'g4')
// [{ from, to, promotion }, ...]
Test if the board is in checkmate.
import { isCheckmate } from '@bedard/hexchess'
isCheckmate(hexchess) // true / false
Test if a position is threatened.
import { isThreatened } from '@bedard/hexchess'
isThreatened(hexchess, 'g10') // false
Create a Hexchess
object from it's string representation. If hexchess is invalid, undefined
will be returned.
import { parseHexchess } from '@bedard/hexchess'
parseHexchess('b/qbk/n1b1n/r5r/ppppppppp/11/5P5/4P1P4/3P1B1P3/2P2B2P2/1PRNQBKNRP1 w - 0 1')
// { board: { ... }, enPassant, turn, fullmove, halfmove }
Create a Notation
object from it's string representation. If notation is invalid, undefined
will be returned.
import { parseNotation } from '@bedard/hexchess'
// { from: 'e4', to: 'e5', promotion: null }
Convert a Hexchess
object to it's string representation.
import { stringifyHexchess } from '@bedard/hexchess'
// 'b/qbk/n1b1n/r5r/ppppppppp/11/5P5/4P1P4/3P1B1P3/2P2B2P2/1PRNQBKNRP1 w - 0 1'
Copyright (c) 2024-present, Scott Bedard