Vector Editor for MacOS.
Simple tool for create images
All tools in canvas. No hidden menus with many tabs.
Use preview when edit shape. Use standart keys to transform shapes (⌘(Cmd), ⌥(Option), ⇧(Shift) & Delete)
Every shape has gradient layer. Setup alpha & color and you are done
Permanent shadow layer. To remove just set alpha to zero
Built-in rulers
Drafter v1.16 comfort work is possible when used less than 100 layers
Select (M), Line (L), Triangle (T), Rectangle (R) Pentagon(P), Hex(H), Star(S), Arc (A), Oval (O), Stylus (D)
Vector (V) - press ⚙ in pop-up menu or Return to edit shape with control dots
Font (F) - type text in text field, hit Return and create vector representation
Close (⌘W), Quit (⌘Q) - safe exit
- Files
New (⌘N) Open (⌘O) - open *.drf or *.png
Save (⌘S), Save-As (⇧⌘S) - save to *.drf or *.png
- Edit
Undo (⌘Z), Redo (⇧⌘Z) - up to 16 operations
Cut (⌘X) - remove selected shape and copy to the buffer, Copy (⌘C) - copy selected shape
Paste (⌘V) - paste shape to the mouse position
Group (⌘G), Ungroup (⇧⌘G) - create/remove group for selectted shapes
Delete (Delete) - remove shape or control dot
SelectAll(⌘A) - select all shapes or dots
- Modifiers
Shape mode
Use ⇧(Shift) and drag to make width and height equal when create shape
Use ⇧(Shift) and drag for straight lines when create Line and Vector
Resize shapes proportionaly with ⇧(Shift)
Use ^(Control) + LMB to select more than one shape
If shape selected press ^(Control) + LMB to deselect dot
Drag shape with fn(Function) to turn on "snap to rullers"
Click on shape with ⌘(Cmd) to clone it
Edit mode
Use ^(Control) to disable preview
Use ^(Control) + LMB to select more than one dot
If dot selected press ^(Control) + LMB to deselect dot
Use ⇧(Shift) and drag for move dot straight
Drag dot with fn(Function) to turn on "snap to rullers"
When select more than one dot drag with ⌥(Option) to "zoom move"
Drag mouse with ⌘(Cmd) to show control dots
- Canvas
Magnification gesture. Two fingers zoom
Scroll canvas with two fingers
v1.2 Show group members
v1.3 Improve UndoRedo
v1.5 .svg