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Rad Dad Static Website based off of:

React Static Boilerplate (RSB) is a boilerplate and tooling for creating modern stand-alone web applications (aka SPAs) for a serverless architecture.

View docs, online demo  |  ### Directory Layout

├── components/                 # Shared or generic UI components
│   ├── Button/                 # Button component
│   ├── Layout/                 # Website layout component
│   ├── Link/                   # Link component to be used instead of <a>
│   └── ...                     # etc.
├── docs/                       # Documentation to the project
├── node_modules/               # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── src/                        # Application source code
│   ├── about/                  # About page
│   ├── error/                  # Error page
│   ├── home/                   # Home page
│   ├── history.js              # Handles client-side navigation
│   ├── main.js                 # <== Application entry point <===
│   ├── router.js               # Handles routing and data fetching
│   ├── routes.json             # This list of application routes
│   └── store.js                # Application state manager (Redux)
├── public/                     # Static files such as favicon.ico etc.
│   ├── dist/                   # The folder for compiled output
│   ├── favicon.ico             # Application icon to be displayed in bookmarks
│   ├── robots.txt              # Instructions for search engine crawlers
│   └── ...                     # etc.
├── test/                       # Unit and integration tests
├── tools/                      # Utility and helper classes
└── package.json                # The list of project dependencies and NPM scripts

Getting Started

Step 1. Make sure that you have Node.js v6 or newer and Yarn installed on your development machine.

Step 2. Compile and launch the app by running:

$ yarn start                    # Compiles the app and opens it in a browser with "live reload"

You can also test your app in release (production) mode by running yarn start -- --release or with HMR and React Hot Loader disabled by running yarn start -- --no-hmr. The app should become available at http://localhost:3000/.

How to Test

The unit tests are powered by chai and mocha.

$ yarn lint                     # Check JavaScript and CSS code for potential issues
$ yarn test                     # Run unit tests. Or, `yarn run test:watch`

How to Deploy

We upload to an s3 bucket for ''. You must install credentials into ~/.aws/credentials. Ask @sbilstein for those credentials.

$ yarn run publish                  # Builds and deployes the app to Firebase

If you need to build the project without publishing it, simply run:

$ yarn build                    # Compiles the app into the /public/dist folder


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