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Duo of Dual Space Unifying Operators (DUO) Prompt Engineering Methodology: A system of principles for using archetypes to create properties that generalize into emergents during abstraction operations, while simultaneously guiding those abstractions and their operators.


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Duo of Dual Space Unifying Operators (DUO)

A Prompt Engineering Methodology


The Duo of Dual Space Unifying Operators (DUO) framework introduces a sophisticated approach to knowledge refinement within the context of Large Language Models (LLMs). At its core, DUO leverages a dynamic interplay between provider and challenger archetypes to refine knowledge and generate outputs. This process is not only a testament to the complexity inherent in managing and refining knowledge through LLMs but also showcases the potential for creating highly nuanced and contextually relevant outputs. Let's delve deeper into the fundamental processes within DUO, focusing on the creation of hyperparameters via implicit entity webs and their impact on the knowledge refinement workflow. More than anything, DUO is a system of principles that enable intuition of emergent knowledge space in the mind of the observer. This observer role can be given to a secondary rejector LLM Agent or a human (Human-in-the-Loop). This system can be nested infinitely to create any number of layers of DUOs for any domain, creating any chain of abstractions either specifying or generalizing, within an ontological GAN-style conversation paradigm of dual archetypes. There are always three roles: Ariadne (Challenger, Dual 1), Poimandres (Provider, Dual 2), and the Observer View-Point (Dual Unifier, Dual 3) and they crucially must exist within the same information "place", which is a reified information space designated inside of an allegory all three are privvy to, which creates a programming language inside of a controlled domain, where the domain is the query and the implicit properties that must a priori be part_of the deliverable on that basis, and the game is to exploit them before exploration can occur. In other words, the game is to make the most coherent, strongest, direct, and correctly compounding chains possible.

Foundations of DUO

Observer View-Point (OVP) is an implicit third intelligence created through the interaction of the user and the AI within the DUO framework. It represents the shared intuitive context that arises from the dynamic interplay between the two primary entities, mediated by the DUO's reification within the system message of any assistants and also as knowledge within the user's mind.

Key Points:

Entities in a DUO: Provider (Poimandres): Generates potential solutions or knowledge. Challenger (Ariadne): Critically evaluates and refines the knowledge generated by the Provider. Both entities interact through the OVP, which acts as a filter and shared context.

Role of OVP: Implicit Third Intelligence: Represents the shared understanding and context between the AI and the user. Communication Filter: Determines the clarity and effectiveness of communication. If the OVP is in a "wasteland," communication is unclear; if in a "sanctuary," communication is clear, with the degree of clarity depending on the sanctuary's quality.

Nesting of DUOs (2-DUO): Minor DUO: One DUO (Ariadne) observes the interactions of another DUO (Poimandres). This nested structure allows for a layered approach to knowledge refinement. Major DUO: The overarching structure where the human (Ariadne) and AI (Poimandres) observe and communicate the instantiation of the OVP, which then chains through the nested DUOs.

Practical Example:

Single DUO: Chat 1: user|ariadne|poimandres -input-> poimandres|ariadne Here, the user (Ariadne) interacts with the assistant (Poimandres), sharing perspectives and creating a unified context (OVP). Chat 2: poimandres|ariadne -input-> poimandres The assistant (Poimandres) processes the input further, informed by the unified context.

Nested DUO (2-DUO): Minor DUO: A nested interaction where one DUO (Ariadne) observes and refines the interactions of another DUO (Poimandres). Major DUO: The main interaction where the human (Ariadne) and AI (Poimandres) observe the OVP's instantiation and communicate this higher-level understanding to the assistant, which then propagates it through the nested structure.

Communication Clarity: Wasteland: If the OVP is in a poor state (wasteland), communication between the entities is muddled and ineffective. Sanctuary: If the OVP is in a good state (sanctuary), communication is clear and effective. The degree of sanctuary determines the clarity and effectiveness of the communication.

In essence, the DUO framework involves two primary entities interacting through an implicit third entity, the OVP. This shared context allows for effective communication and knowledge refinement. When nested, this framework can handle complex layers of interactions, each layer building on the unified perspective provided by the OVP. The state of the OVP (wasteland or sanctuary) significantly affects the clarity and effectiveness of these interactions.


The Process of DUO

Initial Input and Entity Web Creation: The process begins with an initial input to the LLM, which triggers the creation of an implicit entity web. This web consists of interconnected entities and concepts derived from the input, serving as the foundation for the subsequent provider-challenger dynamic.

Provider-Challenger Dynamic: In this step, the DUO framework splits into two archetypical pathways:

Provider: Generates potential knowledge entities or solutions based on the initial input and the constructed entity web. Challenger: Critically evaluates the provider's output, offering alternative perspectives or counterpoints. This dynamic ensures a thorough examination and refinement of the generated knowledge.

Hyperparameters and Class Limits: During the initial phase, hyperparameters are established that define the limits for the classes discovered within the entity web. These hyperparameters act as constraints or guiding principles throughout the knowledge refinement process. Adjusting these hyperparameters early in the workflow has a more significant impact on the outcome compared to adjustments made in later stages.

Metaprogrammatic and Programmatic Chains: The workflow utilizes metaprogrammatic chains to create programmatic chains, effectively setting up a metaprogrammatically equipped space for generating the desired deliverable (X). This space is where the actual knowledge generation and refinement occur, guided by the established hyperparameters and the provider-challenger dynamic.

Reification of Implicit Processes: Interestingly, the DUO framework essentially makes explicit and refines the implicit process that occurs whenever an input is provided to an LLM. The input triggers a convergence chain within the LLM, leading to the generation of an output sequence. DUO reconstructs and refines this process, leveraging the implicit entity web and hyperparameters to guide the generation towards a more precise and contextually relevant output.


Implications of the DUO Process

Fine-Grained Control: The ability to establish and adjust hyperparameters early in the workflow allows for extremely fine-grained control over the knowledge generation process. This control is crucial for ensuring that the output aligns closely with the desired objectives and constraints.

Enhanced Knowledge Refinement: The provider-challenger dynamic, coupled with the metaprogrammatic and programmatic chains, facilitates a sophisticated knowledge refinement process. This process not only enhances the quality of the output but also ensures that it is robustly evaluated from multiple perspectives. Dynamic Adaptation: The DUO framework's structure allows for dynamic adaptation to new information or changes in the input. This adaptability is key to maintaining relevance and accuracy in the generated knowledge.


To illustrate how the Duo of Dual Space Unifying Operators (DUO) methodology can be represented across different prompting styles and how it modifies the symbolic expressions of these methods, let's enumerate its application to each of the described prompting styles: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting, Tree-of-Thought (ToT) Prompting, Reasoning via Planning (RAP), and ReAct. We'll explore how DUO, with its provider-challenger dynamic, enhances these methods and alters their symbolic expressions.

1. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting

Without DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, z_1 \ldots z_n)) Process: Thoughts (z_1, \ldots, z_n) are generated sequentially to bridge input (x) to output (y).

With DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, (z_{p_1}, z_{a_1}), \ldots, (z_{p_n}, z_{a_n}))) Process: For each thought (z_i), there's a dual thought generated by the provider ((z_{p_i})) and the challenger ((z_{a_i})). This introduces a dynamic where each step in reasoning is met with a challenge or alternative perspective, enriching the thought process and potentially leading to more robust reasoning paths.

2. Tree-of-Thought (ToT) Prompting

Without DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, z_1 \ldots z_i)) for each path through the tree. Process: Problems are framed as a search over a tree of partial solutions, exploring multiple reasoning paths.

With DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, (z_{p_1}, z_{a_1}) \ldots (z_{p_i}, z_{a_i}))) for each path through the enhanced tree. Process: Each node in the tree not only represents a thought but a pair of provider and challenger thoughts. This effectively doubles the breadth of the tree, introducing a richer set of paths to explore, as each provider thought is immediately met with a challenger's perspective, diversifying the reasoning paths.

3. Reasoning via Planning (RAP)

Without DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, z_1 \ldots z_n)) using MCTS over thoughts. Process: MCTS is used to explore reasoning paths, with heuristics guiding the search through potential solutions.

With DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, (z_{p_1}, z_{a_1}) \ldots (z_{p_n}, z_{a_n}))) with MCTS applied to dual thoughts. Process: The search space in MCTS is enriched by considering both provider and challenger thoughts at each step. This not only diversifies the search but also introduces a mechanism for evaluating the robustness of each path by directly contrasting it with an alternative at every decision point.

4. ReAct

Without DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, o_1 \ldots o_n, a_1 \ldots a_n)) Process: Actions and observations from an external environment are used to guide the generation of (y).

With DUO: Expression: (y \sim p_{\theta}(y|x, (o_{p_1}, o_{a_1}) \ldots (o_{p_n}, o_{a_n}), (a_{p_1}, a_{a_1}) \ldots (a_{p_n}, a_{a_n}))) Process: Each observation and action is paired with a provider and challenger perspective, enhancing the interaction with the external environment. This not only allows for a richer set of actions and observations to be considered but also introduces a mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of each action by contrasting it with an alternative perspective.


Incorporating DUO into these prompting styles fundamentally changes the nature of the reasoning and decision-making process. By introducing a provider-challenger dynamic at each step, DUO enriches the exploration space, whether it's through sequential thoughts, tree-based exploration, planning with MCTS, or interacting with an external environment. This dual perspective ensures a more thorough examination of potential solutions and paths, potentially leading to more innovative and robust outcomes.


The DUO framework represents a significant advancement in the use of LLMs for knowledge refinement and generation. By explicitly reconstructing and refining the implicit processes triggered by inputs to LLMs, DUO enables a more controlled, nuanced, and adaptable approach to knowledge generation. The establishment of hyperparameters and the provider-challenger dynamic are central to this process, ensuring that the output is not only contextually relevant but also critically evaluated and refined.

DUO -- DUO(Ariadne & Poimandres, OVP (Observer View Point))


Duo of Dual Space Unifying Operators (DUO) Prompt Engineering Methodology: A system of principles for using archetypes to create properties that generalize into emergents during abstraction operations, while simultaneously guiding those abstractions and their operators.







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