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This mail-integration service is as a RESTful HTTP API that can perform the duty as an integration service to send emails. It can be an abstraction over an unlimited number of Email Clients that can be used to send emails. This provides resiliance in case one email client goes down. Currently, only two email clients are supported.

API Documentation (Swagger) Available Here

Salient Featuers

  • Failover: In case an email client A gives an error and the client B was succesful in sending the email. The service will remember the last client that sent a succesful email so next request will first try client B to send email (allowing more time for client A to recover).
  • Intelligent: In the event the call to the last active email client was not succesful anymore, when deciding about which email clients to try next, the service will pick the email client that has been most succesful in previous attempts to send email. This is achieved by keeping the successRatio of every client in-memory.
  • Maintainability: It is really easy to add more email clients. Please see the Contribute section below.
  • Timeout: By default, request to each service will timeout in 1s. However, this can be overriden in client definition.
  • Customization: By default, all available & active clients will be used to try and send the email. However, for whatever reason, should a user wish to choose which services they want to exclusively use for some email, they can do that by the service_names body parameter. See the API spec for details about this.

NOTE: Failover & Intelligence is only im-memory so if service is restarted, this it will not remember either.

Supported Mailing Clients

SendGrid integration requires two environment variables to be able to run. These include:


  • This is a required Env Variable.
  • This is the endpoint of SendGrid Service and can be normally set to "" by default (according to their API).


  • This is a required Env Variable.
  • This is the authentication string that can be retrieved after signing up for SendGrid API.

MailGun integration requires two environment variables to be able to run. These include:


  • This is a required Env Variable.
  • This is the endpoint of MailGun Service and can be normally set to "" by default (according to their API).


  • This is a required Env Variable.
  • This is the authentication string that can be retrieved after signing up for MailGun API.


  • This is a required Env Variable.
  • This is the sandbox domain retrieved after signing up for MailGun API.

Note: MailGun currently does not allow sending emails to any other email account other than the user who signed up. This can be improved in future.

How to add a new mail client

  1. Create a new file in server/api/email-clients with the name of your client.
  2. Add any Env variables needed by your service to .env and .env_SAMPLE file.
  3. Start with the following skeleton code and insert your own code where indicated:
import { Mail, MailStatus } from "../../api/controllers/mails/model";
import { AbstractMailClient } from "../controllers/mails/mail-client.abstract";

const REQ_ENV_VARS: string[] = [<<INSERT_HERE>>]; // Add Env Variables needed by your service to run.

export class YourEmailClient extends AbstractMailClient {

    constructor() {
        super('<<INSERT_HERE>>', REQ_ENV_VARS); // Name your service

    async sendMail(mail: Mail): Promise<{ status: string, description: any }> {
        <<INSERT_HERE>> // implement service logic here and return MailStatus that applies

Quick Start

Get started developing...

# create an .env file locally and enter respective keys necessary for each integration
cp .env_SAMPLE .env
# install deps
npm install

# run in development mode
npm run dev

# run tests
npm run test

Install Dependencies

Install all package dependencies (one time operation)

npm install

Run It

Run in development mode:

Runs the application is development mode. Should not be used in production

npm run dev

Run in production mode:

Compiles the application and starts it in production production mode.

npm run compile
npm start

Test It

Run the Mocha unit tests

npm test

Try It

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:3000/v1/mails' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"to" : [
		{	"email": "[email protected]"}
	"cc" : [
			"name" : "name",
			"email" : "[email protected]"
	"text": "this is email body",
	"subject": "this is an email from MailGun",
	"from": {
		"name": "Sender Name",
		"email": "[email protected]"


  • We have deployed this solution on AWS Lambda using AWS serverless.
  • Before doing any deployment, please ensure your have aws cli downloaded and isntalled. Read more here:
  • Please ensure you have appropriate access (or root access) account in AWS.
  • Please ensure you set up a different file for production environment seperately.
  • Run npm run serverless:deploy in root folder to deploy the solution as a lambda and view the console to see the deployed URL.
  • Latest version of the service is deployed at the following URL: and following endpoints are available:
  1. Home Page GET /

  2. API Docs: GET /api-explorer/index.html

  3. OpenApi Compliant Doc: GET /v1/spec

  4. Endpoint to send emails: POST /v1/mails

Future Enhancements

  • We can use a database to store every request sent to the service and its result (my preference: MongoDB). This will also allow us to remember successRatio and lastActiveServiceName even if service goes down.
  • We can use an SQS behind this service (and use SQS in the service to poll for data) to allow scalability and prevent loss of data when service is down.
  • In case all clients in the service are failing to process the email request, we could trigger an alarm to inform the admin (in addition to sending error response) (my preference: SNS).
  • Error handling could be improved further with more time, some additional cases that can be treated:
  1. Request Body Size Validation.
  2. Improve the error handling recieved from clients.
  3. Create different .env config for tests.
  • Improve test coverage and quality. Currently, only some tests are written to demostrate ability to write test.
  • Improve the size of the build (node_modules) etc.
  • Add support for MailGun to send email to any email address (currently it doesn't allow this for free accounts).
  • I have used .ENV file also for variables that could be extracted into a config file due to lack of time.


RESTful API for sending emails using multiple email clients







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