- Android Studio 4.0 or higher
- Minimum android SDK version 22
- Java version 1.8
- Kotlin version 1.3.7 or higher
- Clone Repository using Android Studio.
- Android Studio will ask to change your android sdk path to your local machine since it would not be able to find my local path.
- Make sure you are on the master branch and allow android studio to finish building.
- (Optional) Replace the youtube API_KEY in app/src/main/java/com/ijikod/gmbn_youtube/data/remote/HttpInstance.kt with yours. NOTE the API_KEY can only be used to fetch a certain number of data results from the server, once the limited has been exceeded the api will return a 403 error code.(The app has been built with offline support to help with this)
- Search Api To list vidoes from channel.
- Comments Api To get list of video comments and authors.
- Details Api To fetch video details such as video duration.
- Recommended App Architecture for android development with repository patten.
- Displaying paginated data with new Android Paging
- Implementation of Android Navigation library)
- Data binding of components in layouts and data sources.
- Offline support as data is saved to sql light database using ROOM