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docs: update the docs for v1.6
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saltbo committed Jul 12, 2021
1 parent 6c99da5 commit 39bfc24
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Showing 24 changed files with 498 additions and 432 deletions.
53 changes: 28 additions & 25 deletions docs/
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@@ -1,48 +1,51 @@
### Welcome
!> The project has just started, and the documentation is not complete, please help with PR
### 欢迎
!> 项目刚开始,文档尚不完善,欢迎帮忙PR

### Introduction
ZPan is committed to creating an unlimited speed network disk system, so we use the client to connect directly to cloud storage for design.
### 介绍

Currently ZPan supports all cloud storage platforms compatible with the S3 protocol. You can choose a platform you are familiar with to drive ZPan.

[Online Live](,password:demo)

### How It Works
### 他是如何工作的?

ZPan is essentially a URL signature server + a visual file browser.

Because we use a direct-link method for uploading and downloading, in order to ensure the security of uploading and downloading, all URLs used by the client to upload and download must be signed by the server.

Then, in order to conveniently manage the files uploaded by users, we need to develop a visual pseudo file system for file management.

- [saltbo/zpan](
- [saltbo/zpan-front](

### Features
- Not limited by server bandwidth
- Support all cloud storage compatible with S3 protocol
- Support file and folder management
- Support file and folder sharing (accessible without logging in)
- Support document preview and audio and video playback
- Support multi-user storage space control
- Support multiple languages
### 特色
- 完全不受服务器带宽限制
- 支持所有兼容S3协议的云存储
- 支持文件及文件夹管理
- 支持文件及文件夹分享(未登录可访问)
- 支持文档预览及音视频播放
- 支持多用户存储空间控制
- 支持多语言

### Why Not ...?
### 为什么不是...

#### NextCloud
NextCloud is a very easy to use network disk system. It can be said to be the predecessor in this field. But because it was born relatively early, it was designed base on the local file system. The speed of file transfer is limited by the speed of local network. This means that if you use NextCloud to build a network disk on a server with a bandwidth of one megabyte, the upper bound of the upload and download speed of the network disk is only one megabyte. If you want to increase the speed, you can only upgrade the bandwidth of the server, which is a big cost.


#### Cloudreve

Cloudreve is the only product I found before developing ZPan that meets my needs (uploads and downloads are not limited by bandwidth). However, Cloudreve was developed based on PHP at the time, and I was a bit disgusted about that it was troublesome to deploy, so I wanted to implement one by myself in Golang. However, due to some reasons, it was put on hold for more than a year. When I restarted ZPan and it was almost finished, I realized that Cloudreve also used Golang for refactoring during this year.

It is undeniable that Cloudreve has more functions than ZPan does. ZPan will be more restrained in features, as I always believe that more features are not always better. So, if you find that ZPan does not meet your needs, you can also try Cloudreve.

#### EyeblueTank
#### 蓝眼云盘

Blue Eye Cloud Disk was also found when I was looking for online storage products in the early days. Generally speaking, it fits my vision and is simple and easy to use. Unfortunately, it also belongs to the traditional network disk. I have communicated with his developers, and they have no plans to support cloud storage.

#### Z-File

Z-File is an online file catalog program that supports various object storage and local storage. Its target is to be a commonly used tools by individuals for downloading, or a public file library. It will not be developed in the direction of multiple accounts.
Z-File是一个在线文件目录的程序, 支持各种对象存储和本地存储, 使用定位是个人放常用工具下载, 或做公共的文件库. 不会向多账户方向开发.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/
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* [English](/)
* [中文](/zh-cn/)
* [中文](/)
* [English](/en/)
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions docs/
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* [Introduction](/)
* [Getting Started](/
* [Config](/
* [Cloud Storage](/
* [Contributing](/
* [Vernacular](/
* [FAQ](/
* [介绍](/)
* [快速开始](/
* [配置文件](/
* [云存储](/
* [贡献代码](/
* [白话文教程](/
* [常见问题](/
105 changes: 67 additions & 38 deletions docs/
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> Here we provide different endpoint samples for each major platform, you need to change `my-zpan-bucket` to your own bucket name
## S3协议平台

## Endpoint
- 阿里云OSS
- 腾讯云COS
- 七牛云Kodo
- UCloud(需手动自动设置CORS)
- 华为云OBS
- 网易云NOS(需手动自动设置CORS)
- 亚马逊S3
- MinIO

- AmazonS3:``
- TencentCOS:``
- AliyunOSS:``
- QiniuKodo:``
- GoogleStorage:``
> 路径:管理后台-存储管理-创建存储
### 基础配置

<img src="" alt="image-20210712165603221" style="zoom:50%;" />

1. 网盘和外链盘的区别是:外链盘可以直接拿到永久外链,同时它没有分享和回收站的功能
2. 名称是在zpan中该存储的名字,同时也是路由地址,所以只支持英文
3. 云平台的数据来源于 ,欢迎PR
4. 接入点的数据同样源于eplist,选择一个云平台后会自动给出该平台的所有Endpoint

### 高级配置


1. 高级配置默认都可为空
2. 标题可以是中文,用于在页面顶部的导航栏显示
3. 自有域名即用来访问/下载资源的域名
4. 存储根路径指的是在云存储里的存储路径,默认是根目录,指定一个前缀,可以实现共用一个bucket的场景
5. 文件存储路径指的是上传的文件在云存储里的存储路径,默认是$NOW_DATE/$RAND_16KEY.$RAW_EXT
6. 可以看到我们支持一些系统变量,通过这些变量你可以设置自己的路径规则

### CORS配置

- Origin: http://your-domain
- AllowMethods: PUT
- AllowHeaders: content-type,content-disposition,x-amz-acl

### S3
The permissions of s3 are more complicated, and I have not conducted detailed tests. At present, I directly turn off the option of `Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new access control lists (ACLs)`; then configure the following CORS Just fill in and save.
"AllowedOrigins": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedHeaders": [
"ExposeHeaders": []

### Storage
Since Google Cloud Storage does not provide a visual configuration interface, only a command line tool, so we can use CloudShell to operate, the specific commands are as follows:
echo '[{"origin":["*"],"method":["PUT"],"responseHeader":["content-type","content-disposition","x-amz-acl"]}]' > cors.json
gsutil cors set cors.json gs://your-bucket-name

### Others
OSS, COS, Kodo and other visualizations are all very good, so don’t talk nonsense, if you really don’t know how to do it, you can watch [Vernacular](/vernacular)

## MinIO


需要注意的是,我们仅支持Virtual Hosted-Style模式的S3协议,所以在MinIO搭建时需要注意开启Virtual Hosted-Style。




#### 参考文档:


## 又拍云

!> 又拍云不兼容s3协议,所以和其他平台有一些区别,需要特别注意

1. Endpoint填写又拍云默认分配的加速域名(仅供测试那个)
2. AccessKey为操作员名称,AccessSecret为操作员密码
3. **如果是网盘类型,需要将Token防盗链的秘钥设置为操作员的密码**


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# debug
Whether to output the debug log, the default is false
# 配置文件

# invitation
Whether invitation registration is enabled, after enabling, only invitation registration is allowed, and it is disabled by default

# storage
The initial space allocated to each user, default 50 megabytes, unit: byte
## port

# server
Configure the server
port: 8222
sslport: 443

### port
Http port

### sslport
Https port, only support 443 at the moment

### domain
Domain list of the server

# tls
Configure the tls
enabled: true
auto: true
cacheDir: /opt/
certPath: "/etc/domain/cert.pem"
certkeyPath: "/etc/domain/cert.key"

### enable
Whether to enable https

### auto
Whether to auto https using let's encrypt

### cacheDir
Let's encrypt cert cache dir, need write permission

### certPath
Manually set cert

### certkeyPath
Manually set certkey

# database
The database driver of ZPan is defined here
## database
driver: sqlite3
dsn: zpan.db

### driver
We support four database drivers, you can choose according to your needs
### driver

- sqlite3
- mysql
- postgres
- mssql

### dsn
The dsn corresponding to different drivers is also different, here we give the dsn format of each driver separately

| driver | dsn |
| ---- | ---- |
| sqlite3 | zpan.db |
| mysql | user:pass@tcp( |
| postgres | user=zpan password=zpan dbname=zpan port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai |
| mssql | sqlserver://zpan:LoremIpsum86@localhost:9930?database=zpan |

# provider
Currently we support all S3-based cloud storage platforms, such as Alibaba Cloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, Qiniu Cloud KODO.
name: s3
bucket: saltbo-zpan-test
accessKey: LTAIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7YoV
accessSecret: PFGVwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRd09u

### name
The name of the cloud storage you use, the options are as follows
- s3(default)
- od(Not currently supported)
- gd(Not currently supported)

### bucket
The name of the storage space you created

### endpoint
Access point for cloud storage

### customHost
Custom domain name bound to cloud storage

### accessKey
Access key requested from cloud storage

### accessSecret
Access secret requested from cloud storage

# email
Configure the email address to open the account registration email verification
sender: [email protected]
username: Zpan
password: mGxxxxxxxxxxh9

### host
Mailing service address,eg::

### sender:
Mailing address,

### username

### password
Sending password
| mssql | sqlserver://zpan:LoremIpsum86@localhost:9930?database=zpan |

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