This is a case study to measure some React Native skills.
- Pixel perfect design
- Tabbar screen changing animation
- App loading animation on Splash Screen
- Dark mode
- Custom hooks
- Multi-language support
- Color picker
- Restart app
- Copy to clipboard
- Haptic feedbacks on button press
- Change font family
- Change colors
- Persisted preferences
JS, TS, React Native, React Navigation, Redux Toolkit, Redux Persist, React Native Async Storage, React Native Reanimated, React Native Clipboard, React Native Picker, React Native I18n, i18next, React Native Localize, React Native Haptic Feedback, React Native Restart, React Native Safe Area Context, React Native Svg Transformer, React Native Vector Icons, Reanimated Color Picker
Clone the repository
git clone
Change directory
cd case-exampleMobileApp1
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the project
npm run start