This project is a food-themed landing page for a website called Food Corner. It showcases different food categories like Potato, Soup, Chicken, and Beef.
- Responsive Navbar:
- Contains buttons for various food categories (Potato, Soup, Chicken, and Beef).
- Mobile responsive: shows a hamburger menu for smaller screens.
- Banner (Carousel):
- Features a carousel with four slides, each showcasing a different food category.
- Includes navigation buttons to switch between slides.
- Featured Section (Meals):
- Dynamic meal data is fetched from TheMealDB API for each food category.
- FAQ Section:
- Accordion-style collapsible FAQ section with common customer queries.
- Footer:
- Provides additional links for services, company information, and legal details.
- TailwindCSS: For utility-first CSS styling.
- DaisyUI: A UI component library for TailwindCSS.
- JavaScript (ES6): For dynamic functionality, such as API calls and interactions.
- TheMealDB API: For fetching meal information based on categories.