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Container build process


The source code was taken from:

Repository with images:



  • Multiple Dockerfile files / sources in one git repository
  • Multi-arch container images for each Dockerfile
  • Image should be signed (cosign)
  • SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials)
  • SLSA Provenance
  • Build process should never overwrite existing tags (1.2.3) in container repository (doesn't apply for "latest" or "br-")
  • Container image should be scanned for "Critical" vulnerabilities before it is pushed to container registry
  • There should be a way to push container to registry also with CRITICAL vulnerabilities (how to progress when there are CRITICAL vulnerabilities which can not be fixed "immediately")
    • Set container_image_vulnerability_checks=false

Tag specific

  • I want to build test container for specific PR / branch with expiration date
  • I want to build only latest tag manually (form main branch)
  • Newly released images must create/update following tags in container repository (example):
    • 1
    • 1.2
    • 1.2.1
    • latest

Local tests

Build commands:

docker build -f ./src/app/Dockerfile -t myc-hello-kubernetes:latest src/app
docker build -f ./src/app/Dockerfile-node-18-alpine -t myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-alpine src/app
docker build -f ./src/app/Dockerfile-node-18-debian-slim -t myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-debian-slim src/app
docker build -f ./src/app/Dockerfile-nodejs18-distroless -t myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-distroless src/app
docker build -f ./src/app/Dockerfile-nodejs-16-ubi -t myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-ubi src/app

Run commands:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm myc-hello-kubernetes:latest
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-alpine
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-debian-slim
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-distroless
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm myc-hello-kubernetes:latest-ubi

curl http://localhost:8080/

Debug container:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/sh --user root -p 8080:8080 myc-hello-kubernetes:latest

Run in Kubernetes:

kubectl run myc-hello-kubernetes

Cosign - verify signatures / SBOMs

Example repositories:


Test commands:


docker buildx imagetools inspect "${IMAGE}"
cosign verify "${IMAGE}" | jq
cosign verify "${IMAGE}" | jq -r '.[].optional| .Issuer + " | " + .Subject + " | " + .githubWorkflowRef + " |" + (.Bundle.Payload.logIndex|tostring)'
cosign triangulate "${IMAGE}"
cosign tree "${IMAGE}"
cosign verify-attestation --type slsaprovenance "${IMAGE}"
cosign verify-attestation --type slsaprovenance "${IMAGE}" | jq '.payload |= @base64d | .payload | fromjson'
cosign verify-attestation --type cyclonedx "${IMAGE}"
cosign verify-attestation --type cyclonedx "${IMAGE}" | jq '.payload |= @base64d | .payload | fromjson'
trivy image --debug --sbom-sources rekor "${IMAGE}"
cosign verify-attestation --type cyclonedx "${IMAGE}" | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq -r '.predicate.Data' > /tmp/sbom.cdx.json
trivy sbom /tmp/sbom.cdx.json
trivy image --scanners license "${IMAGE}"
trivy image --compliance docker-cis "${IMAGE}"
trivy image --scanners none --image-config-scanners config "${IMAGE}"
trivy image --scanners none --image-config-scanners secret "${IMAGE}"

Test commands with other images:


skopeo inspect --raw "docker://${IMAGE}"
cosign verify "${IMAGE}" | jq
cosign verify "${IMAGE}" | jq -r '.[].optional| .Issuer + "-" + .Subject'
cosign triangulate "${IMAGE}"
cosign tree "${IMAGE}"

rekor-cli get --uuid 68a53d0e75463d805dc9437dda5815171502475dd704459a5ce3078edba96226 --format json | jq -r .Attestation | base64 --decode | jq
curl -s | jq

rekor-cli search --email [email protected]
#[email protected]

rekor-cli get --log-index 8757761

docker manifest inspect "${IMAGE}"
cosign download sbom --platform=linux/amd64
cosign download sbom --platform=linux/amd64
cosign download sbom "${IMAGE}"

# Image Manifest
curl -s -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' "" | jq
# Manifest List
curl -s -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' "" | jq
curl -s -H 'Accept: application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json' "" | jq

# Verify SBOM attestation
cosign verify-attestation --type cyclonedx bridgecrew/checkov | jq '.payload |= @base64d | .payload | fromjson | select(.predicateType == "") | .predicate.Data'
cosign verify-attestation --type slsaprovenance --key–key.pem | jq # DevSkim: ignore DS117838
cosign verify-attestation --type slsaprovenance | jq '.payload |= @base64d | .payload | fromjson'

docker manifest inspect

slsa-verifier verify-image "" --source-uri

docker buildx imagetools inspect moby/buildkit:latest --format '{{ json .Provenance }}'
docker buildx imagetools inspect moby/buildkit:latest --format '{{ json (index .Provenance "linux/amd64").SLSA.invocation.configSource }}'
docker buildx imagetools inspect moby/buildkit:latest --format '{{ (index .Provenance "linux/amd64") }}'
docker buildx imagetools inspect moby/buildkit:latest --format '{{ range (index .SBOM "linux/amd64").SPDX.packages }}{{ println .name }}{{ end }}'

docker buildx imagetools inspect --format "{{ json (index .Provenance \"linux/amd64\").SLSA}}"
docker buildx imagetools inspect --format "{{ json (index .SBOM \"linux/amd64\").SPDX}}"
docker sbom fluxcd/source-controller:v0.34.0


cosign verify --certificate-github-workflow-repository cilium/cilium --certificate-oidc-issuer --certificate-github-workflow-name "Image Release Build" --certificate-github-workflow-ref refs/tags/v1.13.0 | jq
cosign verify --certificate-github-workflow-repository cilium/cilium --certificate-oidc-issuer --attachment sbom | jq

Container scanners

I was looking for the vulnerability which affects only the specific architecture (for example: arm):

trivy image --severity HIGH,CRITICAL --platform=linux/amd64 node:18.10.0-buster-slim | grep CVE-2020-6096
trivy image --severity HIGH,CRITICAL --platform=linux/arm64 node:18.10.0-buster-slim | grep CVE-2020-6096

Possible build examples

  • Build container images with tag latest form main branch and ignore vulnerability scanners

    gh workflow run container-build.yml -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=30 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 100
  • Tag "main" branch

    git tag "v${TAG}-beta.0" && git push origin "v${TAG}-beta.0"
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    # In case some containers has security vulnerabilities they will not be pushed to Container Registry by default
    # If you want to do a force push please use something like:
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref="v${TAG}-beta.0" -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=365 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 100
    git tag "v${TAG}-beta.1" && git push origin "v${TAG}-beta.1"
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref="v${TAG}-beta.1" -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=365 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 100
    git tag "v${TAG}-rc.0" && git push origin "v${TAG}-rc.0"
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref="v${TAG}-rc.0" -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=365 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 100
    git tag "v${TAG}-rc.1" && git push origin "v${TAG}-rc.1"
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref="v${TAG}-rc.1" -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=365 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 100
    git tag "v${TAG}" && git push origin "v${TAG}"
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref="v${TAG}" -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=365 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
  • Run build process form "main" branch - expires in 300 days

    gh workflow run container-build.yml -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=300 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
  • Run build process form "fix" branch - expires in 30 days (manual workflow execution is needed)

    git checkout -b fix && git push
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref=fix -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=30 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    git checkout main && git branch -d fix && git push origin -d fix
  • Run build process form "fix2" branch form PR - expires in 30 days (manual workflow execution is needed)

    git checkout -b fix2
    date > date.txt
    git add date.txt && git commit -m "fix(container-build): date" && git push
    PR_URL=$(gh pr create --fill)
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref=fix2 -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=30 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    date > date.txt
    git add date.txt && git commit -m "fix(container-build): date2" && git push
    gh workflow run container-build.yml --ref=fix2 -f container_registry_push=true -f container_image_expires_after=30 -f container_image_skip_vulnerability_checks=true
    sleep 10
    WORKLOAD_ID=$(gh run list --workflow=container-build.yml --limit 1 --json databaseId | jq -r '.[].databaseId')
    gh run watch "${WORKLOAD_ID}"
    gh pr close --delete-branch "${PR_URL}"
  • Scheduled build - expires in 300 days