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Laust Rud Jacobsen edited this page Feb 27, 2018 · 11 revisions

Shoryuken has built in two polling strategies WeightedRoundRobin and StrictPriority, but you are free to extend it and use your own polling strategy in case you have a special need.


WeightedRoundRobin is the default polling strategy for all groups, it works as follows:

Given the configuration below:

polling_strategy: WeightedRoundRobin # Not necessary, WRR is the default
  - [queue1, 8]
  - [queue2, 4]
  - [queue3, 1]

A queue weight starts at 1, and after every fetch returning messages, it gets increased one-by-one until it reaches the max weight. In this example, the max weight for queue1 is 8.

Supposing all queues are full of messages, how it would look like:

  1. fetches messages from queue1
  2. fetches messages from queue2
  3. fetches messages from queue3
  4. fetches messages from queue1
  5. fetches messages from queue1
  6. fetches messages from queue2
  7. fetches messages from queue2
  8. fetches messages from queue3

If delay is configured:

delay: 10
  - [queue1, 8]
  - [queue2, 4]
  - [queue3, 1]

When a queue gets empty, the queue will be paused for the number of seconds specified in delay.


StrictPriority will cause Shoryuken to keep fetching messages from the highest priority queue until it returns no messages, it will then try the next highest priority queue, etc.

polling_strategy: StrictPriority
  - queue1
  - queue2
  - queue3

While queue1 has messages, Shoryuken won't try to fetch message from queue2 or queue3.

delay is also supported for StrictPriority. With delay being 0, every iteration will cause Shoryuken to try the queues in priority order, stopping once it finds a job.